Bees for sale : Brisbane

I have a couple of five frame nucs with young queens (laying well) for sale on the Northside of Brisbane. Both colonies were very gentle when inspected on the weekend. Please message me on the forum if you are interested.


Hi we are new to BEEKEEPING and have 2 new, empty beehives. We are interested in your nucs. We live in Maleny. How do we contact you?

I will send you a private message Lynda. Click on your avatar when you see a little number showing that someone has commented on a post or sent you a message and it will direct you to it.

Hello. I am new in beekeeping and just bought my first hive. I am interested in your nucs. I live in Sunshine Coast but I can drive down to Bribane.

Hi Miguel … Sorry for the late reply. I already have someone who wants those nucs. I suggest you contact JeffH on this forum. He lives at Buderim and usually has nucs for sale. Thank you for your interest though. All the best with your beekeeping.