Building a Flow Hive 2+

Not hives, boxes. But in the UK we had “brood and a half” (2 boxes), then up to 5 supers on top of that. It builds up pretty quickly. I have made hundreds (or more) of frames. That is just the nature of beekeeping and I love every minute of it. It feels so creative and constructive :wink:

19 more to go… :+1::+1:

And done…

And done!! Fully stocked, ready to go except painting…


All up to build it was an hour of unboxing and sorting.
4 hours the first day, 6 hours the second day, 7 hours the third day and an hour this morning finishing off.

So unpainted it took me 18 hours, with stops for lunch :wink:

Its VERY worth it though… well I think so. :smiley:

I’m looking forward to the progress of your bee journey.

I took a bunch of pictures of the build. Im not sure how to post the link though…

Hey Nick, looking good!

Is this the queen excluder?

If so it should not be under the stack but on top of the top brood box/under the first super. About having two supers, as @Dawn_SD said it has been done but I would focus on the aspects of getting your colony established as you are just getting started too :wink:

Hi Eva,

No not the excluder. Its a tray that is supposed to help with small hive beetles…I think… :blush:

The queen excluder is as you say above the brood boxes.

Cheers Nick B

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Ah good :+1: Like Dawn I’m a classic owner and not as familiar with the F2 setup!

He Nick, you’d be the perfect person to answer @krodriguez 's recent question. I can give the length & width of the roof, but not the overall height.

Sure… Ill help where I can… what does he want the height of… which parts together and Ill see :+1:

Hi Nick, @KieranPI answered the question. If you click on “FORUMS”, then click on “Latest”, you’ll find the question. This is what I do most mornings before I start my day. I try to help where I can, if time permits.


First coat…

And after the 2nd coat… the paint seems to have stuck everything together :rofl::rofl: so have now unstuck it all… glad I took all the bright works off first at least…

We live and learn… have just painted the roof its first coat… reef blue… its soooo pretty :heart_eyes: :two_hearts:

Will post a final pic in the coming days…


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All done I think and ready for buzzy bees :slight_smile: