Building the new hives when they arrive

@DextersShed @adagna I thinks some good ideas come from discussions and being able to see the merits and experiences of others certainly helps. But without necessity being the mother of invention, there would never be progress. This discussion has given me food for thought.

I was wondering why Beeks with new swarms don’t put Queen excluder’s below the Queen in the brood box to keep here there until established as a Queen right hive - you guys got any thoughts on that?

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BTW I finally now have a fully functioning hive, with a bottom screened Verroa board. I just need bees!

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With summer in full swing, are your bees coming soon Valli?

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ValliI, you stinker, I am NOT “hearting” this![quote=“Valli, post:63, topic:443, full:true”]BTW I finally now have a fully functioning hive, with a bottom screened Verroa board. I just need bees![/quote]I am a WAY to pea green with envy to :heart: this!!

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Thanks @sara - @Rodderick I’m going to collect a Nuc on Tuesday in Wales that will be inspected when I’m there, so I will have a clean bill of Health on them :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee: :bee:


Hate to mess up a drill hole after all this time ) Marine screws good idea and we will be given the best size to use?

If one were to order the 10 frame box with the 7 flow frames, does that include the top board and the roof? even though one does not order the Brood box to go with it. Thank you :smile:

I’m sorry but it doesn’t include the roof. We are looking into selling everything individually but it could be a few weeks off. We will let you know when we update the shop.

Hi Valli. I’m a newbeekeeper, too. What are the free eBooks at Amazon for kindle you found? I’d be interested to read them. Thank you!

@Bungee try this address

Bottom board integrated pest management system? Explain?

@givitago IPM -

Looking, observing, taking appropriate action such as chemicals/essential oils - dependent on style of bee keeping, traps, physical counts from Screened bottom boards, Sugar shaking, Drone Culling, Basically an integrated system to help control pests not just a blanket once off treatment -it fits in with the bee life cycle and the seasons

Oh I know all that Valli. I meant the Flow announcement about the mesh floor on our long awaited hives having an integrated pest management system. …which I’m assuming is a cortex sticky board…?

Hi my name is Arthur interested flow hive box.


this is the only place to go to buy!

Hi Arthur, I have taken off your email for security reasons (so you don’t get spammed/hacked).

You can purchase the full Flow™ range on our website, and in Australia