Contaminated honey

I suppose that’s one way of getting the weight up…


Thanks @skeggley.

RIDC should setup a project where honey samples can be analysed and collated into a database for public access. Might be a cheap/free way for us enthusiasts to see an analysis of our honey while also providing wider knowledge about the types of honey produced around the country.

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I got told a story not long ago about a couple who had their chooks eggs tested and found out that they contained some bad ass chemical in them from old termite treatments of the house. Apparently they no longer keep chooks.
I think that sometimes, if you look hard enough, you’ll find what you want good or bad.
I reckon if I got all my food tested I’d freak out. So…
Sometimes I like to block my ears and sing la la la la la la la la la…


Interesting… (and sad)

But, he said the research also discovered bees were filtering the lead and limiting its passage into honey and therefore to humans.

“The fact that their honey contains much less lead than their bodies tells us that the bees are filtering this contaminant,” he said.


A few years ago there was a story of how eucalyptus trees “mine” gold. There was found to be more gold in their leaves when growing near gold deposits. No doubt there would be more lead in their leaves (and probably other parts of them too) if growing in higher lead concentration areas and so on for other heavy metals. Burning the wood also releases the metals into the atmosphere. Insects feeding on the trees pick up some minute concentrations of the metals and pass it on to their offspring. The wattle birds, slugs, ants and anything else that eat the bees also take some of it on board and then pass it around the entire food chain too I suppose.


I wonder how easy it is to have honey tested and who does it. I’m in Victoria australia. I imagine it might be a good indictor of what is happening in our environments.

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Perhaps try:


Thanks Alan. I’ll check it out