Do you have multiple Flow Hives or sell your Flow honey?

Hello Flowbees :slight_smile: :honeybee:

We are looking for feedback from people who have multiple Flow Hives and/or sell their Flow hive honey in a commercial scale or as boutique honey producers.

If you have any feedback, photos or videos you would like to share, we would love to see and share your info on our website :slight_smile:
You can post on this thread, or you can PM me personally.

Thank you :sun_with_face:

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Our season is just getting started! :grinning:

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I Started with one the first year did not take any honey and the second year I added a second hive and had to harvest one in July and one in September totaling almost 96 pounds I’m adding a third hive this year I give all my honey away to family and friends and they all say they’ve never tasted any better honey


That’s great to hear :slight_smile: Do you have any photos of your Flow Hives you would like to share?