Double deep brood box in Southern California

I am trying out using double deep brood box in San Diego. Started with a nuc 5/18 added the 2 brood box 5/31. 7/4 2nd brood box has 5 built out frames, the 2 outside frames 1/3 built and empty and 1 fountainless frame 1/2 built. Of the 5 one frame has brood on one side all other space is mostly capped honey. Questions should I move the empty frames to the center next to the brood frame? I started feeding the nuc when I got it and thought they would tapper off in a few weeks but they have continued to drain the top feeder within 18 hours. Made me wonder if there was no resources in my area, should I continue to feed? Should I add the super for more space? Thanks for any information

Hi @nmcneil, I would guess to continue feeding since the bees are taking it but I’m tagging @Dawn_SD :wave: She lives in your town and will have the best input for you!

She sent me a PM first, so I answered it there. Let me see if I can copy my response…

Hi, hope you had a good 4th.

Do not add the super. There is very little nectar flow at this time of year, so they don’t need the space.

If they are still taking feed, I would continue feeding them. Also, never put a super on if they need feed. If they are taking the feed, they need it - they prefer nectar and wouldn’t take feed if they didn’t need it.

Don’t move the frames around. It is like somebody shifting all the rooms around in your house. Totally disturbs their routine. If you are going to do that, the time is early spring - late Feb to mid March. That can help reduce swarming, but swarms at this time of year are rare. Absconding is more likely if you make the hive inhospitable for them :wink:


Update on the second hive I looked at yesterday side frames not as built out and not as much honey stores but 3 nice brood frames in the center. Very different from the other hive that was 60% capped honey. So interesting they both have the same resources and feeding but are managing their hives differently.
Thanks again Dawn.

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Hi Dawn
Did check on both double deep hives. Both have minimal resources in bottom brood box but 5 plus frames of honey in top both. Both queen right and around 4 frames of brood/larvae, they are still bringing pollen. Both hives are relaxed and going about their business. Is this what it looks like going into fall/winter? Will they access the honey from above easily or should I move some frames down? Or will they just move up as we go into winter?
I am liking the double deep, sorry I did not do this earlier, probably would have saved my hives in past years.

Hi Natalie,

Yes, although I like to see more stores than that. If the bottom boxes are empty, you could remove them, but it would depend on how full they are. Your queen will very likely continue laying all winter. Most of us start to see drone larvae in mid to late September, which signals about 6 to 8 weeks to swarm season

The will access it wherever it is. No need to move the frames, unless you are consolidating down to one box.

Have you done mite counts and treatment? Varroa is the prime cause of overwinter hive loss in this region.

The bottom boxes is where the brood frames are and there was resources on each frame along with a frame of honey on each side 7 weeks ago. Along with the upper box mostly honey but some brood. It seems like they have gone through the resources below but still doing brood there and have added honey to the upper box frames where the brood was give each about 5 1/2 frames of honey on top. Yes I have been treating and mites fingers crossed non issue at this time. I did see couple of hive beetles top of honey frames, took them out. Do you treat for them? I was hoping the top box would last the winter, but I should be prepared to feed later.

I use Beetle Blaster traps filled 1/3 full with mineral oil to trap them. There will always be tons more than you spot during an inspection.

Watch the food supplies (honey) and feed sooner rather than later. We sometimes get a eucalyptus flow in December, depending on where you are in the county, but they may well need feeding. For as long as night time temps are above 55°F you can use 2:1 white sugar syrup, otherwise switch to fondant or winter patties (low protein).
