Entrance Reducer to Flow Hive 2

My new FlowHive didn’t come with a reducer (unless i lost it). I recently installed a NUC with 4 out of 8 foundations. The other four are on the outside or two and two. Is it necessary for me to make the opening of the hive smaller for a period of time? Last night the bees were hanging out on the edge getting some cool night air so seems fine but would like some advice. Thank you

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Hello and welcome to the Flow forum!

I would reduce the entrance to about 6". You can use craft sticks, tongue depressors or even paint stirrers, glued together with wood glue and cut to the right length. Make sure that they fit tightly into the entrance, because the bees are VERY good at pushing them out. You don’t need finesse here, just something to make it easier for them to defend the space. :wink:


What hive did you buy? Most don’t its a new product

I bought the FlowHive 2. Going to add an entrance reducer to the front sold on Amazon for like $8

I found a piece of black dripper hose about 4inches long lying on the ground by my FH2. It squashed down perfectly to reduce the entrance. I put it in the centre of the entrance leaving access either side. I can’t be sure on the science but my personal opinion is that having 2 openings aids ventilation.
Often I stuff some stuff cardboard into the entrance again in the centre and as they need a bigger entrance they chew it away.
These options are nothing fancy but cost nothing and they work.

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They don’t come with one so you’ve not been short changed or lost it buddy.

The design has a very shallow entrance. Ive never used an entrance reducer on my FL2s including winters (UK)

Never an issue.

Hi Tim, quoting you “leaving access either side. I can’t be sure on the science”. My favorite beekeeping video clears that up at the 3 minute mark.

You see how the bees draw air in on one side & out on the other.


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Thanks Jeff,
still yet to watch it. It’s on my list. :+1:

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