Extra Flow Key Available for purchase?

Anyone know of how to get an extra Flow Key. Also, My hive should arrive this April. Are each flow frame separately accessible or are they all attached to each other?


The design was modified so you would only need the one Flow Key. Each Flow Frame is an individual unit. So you can harvest just one frame or all the frames if your honey is ripe and capped.
This also allows you to have as many Flow Frames as you like per box, starting from just one, and up to 7 for 10 frame Langstroth.

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Anyone know of how to get an extra Flow Key. Also, My hive should arrive this April. Are each flow frame separately accessible or are they all attached to each other?

Yes, you really only need one for even a dozen flow supers. I don’t understand why you think you need a second. But you get one with each super.

Michael, earlier vids of Flow-hives did show them using two at the same time. That might have been his thot. Later n now new vids show only one tool used.

The early vids showed two keys being used to harvest. So visually, it appears that two are needed.
That vid should be reshot showing only one key. It would eliminated a lot of needless confusion and perceived need for an additional key.



It will depend on temperature and what your bees gather and who knows what else, but mine I have to do them a few cells at a time. I go in a few inches and turn it, and then a few more etc. until I’m to the end. I would have no use for more than one key and, in fact, it’s much easier to do it less than one frame at a time. Like a fourth of a frame at a time. Some of the videos I’ve seen online show people struggling with trying to do them all at once. I would not recommend that.

Some of the early keys were two at the same time, but the recent ones are fatter and don’t require that. I suppose if you have two, you can turn them in opposite directions which might be easier in theory. But the easiest solution is to “divide and conquer” and just do a fraction of the frame at a time. That is really easy.


I am also interested to get more keys, but because of a different reason. I have built an Observation Hive and included a Flow frame in it. Many people that saw it want to order a similar one. I only have 3 frames at the moment, but I would buy more frames if I could also get one key per frame, and a couple of keys extra, for the 2 Flow frames I have left. For anyone who wants to see how the Observation frame looks like, take a look at my blog here: https://naturebeeliving.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/the-observation-hive/

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I looked at your observation hive and think it’s awesome. I believe the Flow Folks will sell individual keys but am awaiting their response. Nice job.

Is it two frames deep?

Okay, so you want an extra Flow Key because you will have a Flow Frame in different locations?

You will need to email us - info@honeyflow.com

Include your order number or the email address you used when you first ordered so that we can assist you in getting the extra part/s.

Nice blog and pictures by the way :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t mind buying the bottom board for another hive i have but im too scared to ask the price after seeing the prices in the shop… :frowning: