This is my first Flow Hive and the bees arrived early in October with the super being added mid Oct. They’ve been working like mad and the Flow super filled rapidly once it was fully waxed.
Yesterday I checked to make sure the flow frames were sufficiently capped. All frames were 99 to 100% filled and capped (only the rear line of cells to go), except for frames 3 and 4. These both had oval areas about 75 to 100 mm wide and 50 mm high and a little towards the front of the frame where they looked like they hadn’t even been waxed.
Under these areas there was burr comb joining up with the QX. As I lifted the frames this broke (I cleaned it from the frames) and spilled honey into the brood area.
Two thoughts came to my mind - first was that the bees were saving this area for brood. Second was that they’d eaten the honey or fed it to brood. However, the plastic looked unwaxed so this seems unlikely, especially as there has been a good nectar flow here.
This morning I harvested all frames, but only took half of those centre frames to prevent honey leaks.
It seemed that most frames give 3 kg so I opened the frames in sections, and as the first bucket filled the flow slowed so I could swap in the second bucket and open the rest of the frame.
Most frames gave me two 1.5 kg buckets, centre frames gave one 1.5 kg bucket each.
Pic 1 is the first of the honey as it’s starting to flow. I dipped my finger in the flow to taste it, but forgot I was wearing a veil. Hmm, that didn’t work well.
That’s 15 kgs for the first harvest, and would have been 18 kgs had those centre frames been filled.
So now I’m thinking of what to do with those centre frames. One thought is to leave them in place in the hope the bees wax them up and fill them. Second thought is to swap them for fully waxed frames from the outside as the bees might be more likely to wax those areas if they are not over the brood.
Perhaps somebody can give some advice on that.