Eco Bee Sanctuary
Happy Birthday, Ed!
The looks like an Eco Bee box - beautiful craftsmanship. I want one, one day… in case any one else wants to drool over what they make.
Lovely carving
Inside, though…is that for making comb honey sections?
It’s an everything hive lol
It accepts regular Langstroth frames as well. You can even run both types of frames at the same time. It’ll be great for cut comb honey because you don’t have to wait for the bees to fill and cap an entire deep/medium Langstroth sized frame. Bees can draw/fill/cap a mini-frame in a week then I’ll just cut the comb out of that frame and re-install/replace. That’ll be the plan anyway. We have a BIG demand for comb honey.
The unit accepts deep or medium size frames at the same time, and can be partitioned into several nucs, with either style of frame, Langstroth or mini…
I look forward to getting it populated this Spring.
Sounds like a fabulous gift, Ed. I am sure you deserve it. Beautiful and functional, perhaps like your wife?
We find sections hard to fill here in UK
Let us know how you get on…and…Happy Birthday
Have you tried Ross rounds, @Dee? Rusty Burlew of had a surprising success with them, even though she was highly suspicious. Her climate is pretty similar to the UK. If you have a Langstroth hive, you should be able to get some to try out:
Comb honey: Ross Rounds - Honey Bee Suite
Pricey, though
I’m in beekeeping paradise where the bees will draw and fill most anything if there is a flow happening. I did clear plastic cassettes one year and they turned out nice but the hippies (cut comb people lol) complained because of the plastic.
Hi Ed, same here, happy birthday matey:) Well done on the present. My birthday was last week, I got come coffee liqueur chocolates.
Happy Birthday Ed and Jeff! Hope you both had great days.
Thanks for the link @Dawn_SD. Those sure are beautiful boxes, wish we could get them over here. With the way Flow has increased bee and bee keeping awareness I’m sure they would be a hit. Compared with what complete hive kits cost over here they are good value for money too.
Happy Birthday Ed.
Wow you guys get such great presents. I reach my 3/4’s of a century in two weeks. Wonder what’s in-store for me.
Only the good die young, but you don’t get good presents if your bad.
Long life or Good presents
Life is still full of choices eh.
Happy birthday Ed! And happy belated birthday Jeff!!
Beautiful boxes Ed! Can’t wait to see them in action!
Hey Ed n Jeff,
Just a quickly wish to two neat Beekeepers. Good to read all you notes n thoughts. Happy Birthday to both of you ! Take care n happy beekeeping … Hey Ed… That new bee stuff looks intriguing !
Cheers ,
Hey old man beekeeper ! Which day do you hit the Big 3/4’s of a Century bro ?! I’d try to send you a cake but guessing it would be pretty nasty by the time it got to you !
my 71 yrs was back at the 3rd of November. A lot of good wood planted back in the 1930’s (I think that covers Dawn) n 1940’s ! She’s got a head start on most of us. Not sure how old Jeff is ( hey Jeff … How many ? )…
Ta ta,

I would never hit a man with glasses. I’ll just blame the Alzheimer’s instead…
I have passed a half century, but haven’t reached three quarters.
I’m a year older in a week
Hey a little less of the “old man” More “elderly gentleman”
Old people are the ones who sit around all day complaining how old they are.
On the 15th Jan 1942 a bouncing baby boy was born destined to have a FlowHive later in life.
Hi Dawn,
I’m always putting my foot in my mouth n getting into HOT WATER !
Since I have disadvantage of never meeting you n that you always have WISE ANswers … I took the long road on your age Dawn. Plus I felt pretty safe because we don’t exactly live next door …
Wow ! Lot of birthdays this time of year ! We’ll try not to miss you Dee !
Happy Birthday to all…seems to be an uncanny clustering!
Sorry I missed it Jeff. Colony is going gangbusters in a Polystyrene hive. Thanks for your help.