In this photo you can clearly see where hive beetles were active, before the bees overwhelmed them. Consequently the bees wont work that area for quite some time, resulting in all the gaps between the brood.
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I have 2 more photos of beetle damage that the bees overwhelmed. This is both sides of one frame. It was on the outside of a brood box. Because it was pollen bound, the bees can give it less attention than brood frames, giving the beetles an opportunity to lay eggs in the unprotected pollen. Consequently the bees saw what was happening, before they overwhelmed the grubs etc, cleaning it all up, as evidenced by the large chewed out portions.
It must have happened quite some time ago, because you can see on both sides where the bees have only just started to build new comb on the old foundation.
I’ll cut this comb out, before fitting fresh foundation.
Yay bees!!!