Hi Flow Community,
I live in Tacoma WA, and this is my first year bee keeping. My bees have filled their brood box and I’m not sure if I should put in another brood box, or add the honey super. They are on every frame and the top of the frames.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Hello and welcome to the Flow forum!
I would add a second brood box in your climate.
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Thanks Dawn! I have another brood box on order, I ordered it preemptively in case that’s the direction I needed to go.
Do you think swarming might be a possibility in the next week or so before the brood box arrives?
Swarming is possible, but the only way to be sure is to inspect the hive. You need to look for queen cells. Here are a couple of articles to help you. They are long, but they are really good information and will stand you in good stead in future years:
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Thanks again! I’ve been inspecting every week or so. They have made two queen cells, but neither have eggs or larva in them.
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Hi again,
I’m getting a little nervous my bees are running out of room. They’ve covered all the frames in my first brood box and I’m waiting for the arrival of the 2nd brood box to add, it should arrive this Thursday. The queen has been laying eggs on every frame except for one of the outer frames, which they’re using for nectar it seems.
Would it be problematic for me to add the super now to give them some space, then add the 2nd brood box when it arrives in a few days?
You could do that, but you would need to take the super off again when you put the second brood box on.