How it used to be done

I picked up the typo. You meant Dee not fee. :smirk:

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Hi Peter, since you managed to get it into jars, why not sell it or give away like that?
It may educate people that there is nothing wrong with crystallized honey. Unless it tastes awful, like the salted cheese flavour my beach hives produced over winter. Some people even love that (not me).
Itā€™s just the nectar source that makes it crystallize and itā€™s a sure sign of raw unprocessed honey.
Donā€™t heat it any more. Itā€™ll wreck the health benefits.

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Yes, and you can even call it Spreadable Honey!

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I buy attractive jars of 4oz and package a case of 4 (4 jars = $6.00) and charge 25 dollars a case telling them itā€™s highly priced up front as it covers the cost of equipment and nice jars. I show them my hive and how the flow super works, and they see my organic vegetable garden and then buy more. :smiley: Most of my patrons know my efforts to help the honey bee in the area and have followed my journey on facebook. Itā€™s fun! Basically 16oz for $19.00 :smiley:


Thatā€™s wonderful @Martha - nice work!!

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Hi Martha, you beat me to it. I purchased some tiny cute jars that I intend to sell as a 3 pack with different honey colours and Flavours from the different flow frames.
It looks awesome. Just have to find a way to bunch them up attractively.
You have a case for them?

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Yes, the brood box is identical to a Langstroth box. my understanding is that the brood box from Flow Hive does not come with frames and foundation.
When I decided to buy my Flow Hive I only bought the Flow Super and the Flow Frames for it, all the rest I sourced locally or made at the Menā€™s Shed.

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local craft stores are an inspiration. They inspire many ideas and items to make it desirable to purchase. :smiley:


It comes with frames which are very nice but not foundation.

I extract from my Langstroth frames cold, without a hot knife. The honey was not candying in the pail, it was only after about 2 days in the jars that it began to go cloudy like creamed honey and it tastes great and very smooth. I guess that is happening from the nectar the bees were collecting at the time because previous harvest have not creamed.
Is there a difference between crystallized honey and creamed honey?
I sold 12 litres at the Menā€™s Shed today and was actually asked if I had any creamed honey.
A flow Hive I extracted from last Monday has already some frames full and half capped so I am figuring on a 2 week extraction period with that one.

Ok, so what I would do is either wire the frames or glue the foundation in place or you could even just swap the frames over from a Langstroth hive and then put the flow hive in the same position, that will kick the Flow Hive into action, but you also will need to consider your winter coming on. There is some options available to you to consider there.

Iā€™ll install the bees into the hive in spring I think. My hive ships in October which might be to cold for the bees to close up all gaps properly. But Iā€™m simply going to move 2 developed brood boxes into the new hive. :smiley: For frames Iā€™ll wait until spring and order some pre waxed foundation that slips right into the flow frames.

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Sorryā€¦ Quote marks were done on the phoneā€¦missed some text

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