How long does the bees move onto the other waxed frames?

Great :slight_smile:, Thanks AGAIN :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I’m a great believer is removing any bur comb or wax that is beyond the outside of a frame, it saves you time and makes checking and removing of frames easier the next time you do an inspection as helping to stop the bees wasting their efforts.
It is hard for a beginner to judge when to add a super (Flow hive or traditional) but what I look for is at least 80% of the cells in use for brood and stores and again 80% of the frames covered by bees and the colony expanding.
When adding a Flow Super or a traditional super for honey always fit a metal QX, I regard the plastic ones as junk as they are prone to cracking with age and so the queen can get through into the super and lay eggs which is something you don’t want to happen.
I have found that with a 10 frame box it is better to only fit 9 frames so there is room to move the frames a little sideways before lifting a frame out so causing less damage to the frames and less bee deaths and less stress to the bees. The 10th frame in a 10 frame box is a really tight fit, not like the 8th frame in an 8 frame box.
From your pics and you time in the season I would be fitting the super now after putting some wax on the Flow frames.