Hi, Everyone,
My wife has a problem with her skin. I hear that using honey can prevent skin problems. I want to know about how to use honey for skin problems?
slather it all over! Honey is antibacterial, hyrgroscopic- and has many other qualities.
I’d check with dermatologist (or @Dawn_SD she is very good). Honey is at its best healing wounds. Things like psoriasis don’t respond to honey, I have tried.
This is an easy way to apply it.
Derma Sciences MEDIHONEY Calcium Alginate Dressing, 2" x 2", Box of 10 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002ALQ34E/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_b1YJzbQC53K79
Medihoney Hydrocolloid Paste Dressing by Derma Sciences ( PASTE TUB… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0096283BG/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_awdo_G2YJzbP77JQFQ
You don’t even have to purchase the upmarket products… just the honey.
From the publication
Research into Western Australian honeys
Robert J G Manning
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia,
You can directly apply honey to the skin or you can take honey with warm water you can give it to your wife in the morning with empty stomach & once before going to bed.
There are multiple benefits of taking honey with warm water like better digestion, better skin, improves immune system & metabolism
Best face mask I have ever used was honey, oatmeal, and avocado. Just mash up the avocado with the honey and mix in a bit of dry oatmeal and put it on your face for 10 minutes. My face was so soft and clear for weeks. It was nice. I should do it again.