I won loads of prizes at Warwickshire Honey Show

Hi Jeff I love your reports. Busy busy. I pop drone brood in the freezer for an hour or so if I need it cleaned up.
Mine are all tucked up for the winter. All at winter weight so no need to look in till March. They are going ballistic on the ivy and the whole apiary reeks of it.

There was some serious historical rubbish about. That’s true. I have a friend who was boarded with jesuits and he might agree with your husband.
I was brought up RC but my mother ( the Catholic) was married to a Russian Orthodox who had been married before and when our priest dared say to her that her two young daughters were in permanent sin as they were illegitimate she threw him out of the house and never went to church again till she was dead ( she wanted a Catholic funeral so we gave her one). It’s a strange world

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Thanks Eva, I agree. The previous afternoon I was busy working on the bees when the urge for a toilet break happened. As I walked away towards the bush to escape the usual bees buzzing around me, I noticed the 6 kangaroos & ducks that weren’t there when I arrived a bit over an hour earlier. Last year, some afternoons the mother duck with all her ducklings would be grazing in the paddock. Now the chicks are all grown. This is the first time I’ve had as many as 6 kangaroos in the paddock. Before it’s been 2 or 3.

Thank you Dee, yeah the freezer’s a good idea. I ran out of foundation the other day, I have to put the preemptive swarm control on hold until I get more in a couple of weeks. Some of the hives I did only 2-3 weeks ago need doing again.

Jeff you need a foundation press :smile:

Hi Dee, I have 200 kilos of wax to take to do a swap. I get roughly a hundred kilos of foundation back with no money changing hands. It’s a 3 hour drive for us. He normally has foundation on hand for us to do the swap, however he’s right out as well. He’s making a heap more in the next two weeks which he’ll put what I need aside. I’ll have to go foundationless until then.

Hi Eva, here it is. You inspired me to get it done a bit quicker.


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Great little video @JeffH, love to see your local wildlife! :blush:

Thanks Dawn, last year I kept telling Wilma about the cute ducklings. However whenever she came down, they didn’t appear. I think the half dozen I saw the other day were the ducklings grown up. The property owner has a dam not very far from the hives, so I guess the ducks hang around there. There hasn’t been any cows in the paddocks for a while. They seem to be confined to paddocks on the other side of the street since they let a development company park their trucks on this side. Some of which were in the video.

WOW! you have collected 200 kg’s of wax? That’s an impressive quantity. I just paid 15 a kg for wax to hot dip my hives in. I had to get it from QLD although I am in SA - couldn’t find a better price here. Was nice clean wax.

When you take delivery of your 100kg’s of foundation- I would be very happy to buy a few sheets off you if you hare any to spare. PM me. I am about to set up 8 new beehives over the next month. I have two empty hives out now trying to catch a swarm. Checking every day- so far no interest from the bees but a few wasps checking out my wax dipped hives… Thanks Jeff

Hi Jack, no problems. It has certainly gone up over the past couple of years. I’ve been selling it for $11.00 & felt embarrassed about charging so much. From now on it’ll be $13.00. More embarrassment.

I think it’ll be a bit over 200kg, that’s for the past 12 months. I also sold a few slabs along the way.

Lovely, Jeff thanks!! My husband & kids enjoyed it too :blush:

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Oh wow, thank you Eva, say hi for me, cheers

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