And how do i know where the queen is laying the eggs so i dont harvest that part or are those combs seperate?
It will depend on when you choose to do it. If you do it during a strong nectar flow, they will need more frames right away. If you wait until the end of the season (late July in most places), they probably won’t need any more frames until the next year. Most traditional beekeepers extract at the end of the season, as extracting is messy and time-consuming. They wait and take all of the honey (and wax) off in one session. Many Flow hive beekeepers extract one frame at a time, as soon as it is mostly capped. That means you may start harvesting in April, and continue as needed until the end of July. Flow extraction is much less messy, so it is practical to do it this way.
May I suggest that you get some books, such as Beekeeping for Dummies and a good bee biology book? They address these basic concepts and give you choices, plus a good starting education. We can certainly answer your questions, but many people find it helpful to have a good resource for looking things up for themselves.
To answer your question, many beekeepers use a “queen excluder” this is a sheet of plastic, or better ones are metal wire, with spaces big enough for worker bees to pass through, but too small for the queen. If you use one, you will only take honey from frames in the boxes above the queen excluder, so that you know you will never be killing eggs or larvae.
Here are a couple of links to some decent books:
OK i will look into it that thank you very much dawn you have been a great help
In a nectar(honey) flow what I would advise is to extract the honey then fit it back into the hive, when you de-cap the frame you will get the bees wax from that. The bees can ‘work around’ not having a frame for a few hours but will start filling the area of the missing frame if it is out of the hive too long.
Normal practice is that the hive is in two definite sections, the brood and queen is in the bottom box then a queen excluder is fitted on the top of that box followed by a honey super. Any honey below the queen excluder (QX) is left for the bees. Honey above the QX is for you to extract but local conditions may need you to leave some frames for the bees over Winter for the ‘hard times’. The only time you render down a frame of comb is when it has been used for a few years and darkening from age.
Dawn has given you good advice and I guess I am saying the same sort of things. Get your hands on books and ‘bee keeping for dummies’ is a good starting point. YouTube has some good clips but can be confusing because of one persons hot climate can be sub-zero to others so you always need to have some idea about what their climate is and of course the clip can be about what that person does when there can be more options available. For example my Winter is when I change out of shorts into jeans to work my hives and lasts about 6 weeks.
A piece of equipment in a hive that is worth its weight in gold is called a “queen excluder”. It sits between the brood box and the bottom of the honey super. they are made of plastic or metal and the metal one is by far the beat to buy.
The queen excluder keeps the queen and therefore the brood below it so that above it is only for honey stores.
It might help you in understanding about bees if you can find a local bee keeper and ask him if you can help him in return for learning from ‘hands on’ experience.