Never gonna believe this one. This guy raises bees so that he can eat live bees to cure his allergies. This blows my mind.
Gonna make a lot of you mad. I mean… he says he eats 20 bees a day. Insane. He said the stings on his tongue no longer bother him.
Give this guys idea a chance. I know bees are struggling to survive in today’s vorroa mite, pesticide infested world, but… allergies suck. I have already put 10 bees in a jar and am going to try this today. Don’t worry, I have benadryl and an epi pen standing by. The beek, Mr. Astley, states, “My allergies weren’t really that bad, but, I thought I might be able to make a quick buck off the idea, so I gave it a try and I think it is working.”
You should check out the video below.
Up until today, I wouldn’t have believed something like this.
Regardless, I just ate 4 bees this morning and my nose stopped running. My buddy, Rick, rolled by to watch me while I ate them in case something went wrong. I didn’t even get stung. He video taped it, after I get it uploaded to YouTube I’ll post it here.