Logbook for beez

There you lost me @skeggley. What are mp and mb?

Writing on the hive itself is one way to do it. I like that.

Sorry, the two Michael’s, Palmer and Bush.
Both generous with their time and experience.
Check out their websites if you haven’t already.

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I record every time I inspect a hive. This is something that you can do easily when you only have a few hives.
I keep it simple and record manually into a book. It can be of great value to check back over the history of a particular hive or what was happening at a particular time of the year.
Everyone is different so there are countless recording methods. Keep in mind what you your aim of keeping any records are.


Thanks felmo. That’s my plan too. Started today, sort of…


I fell on this old post, thought I’d add my two cents. I set my phone to record and talk my way through inspections, then transpose to the BeePlus app. I make a mess of recording inspections (written or electronic) at the apiary with sticky fingers or gloves. I definitely don’t remember everything at the end of a number of hives, so voice recording works for me.

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Purchased my first 2 hives in 1976…still keep a log. Some events you don’t see happen for intervals of 10 or 20 years…but if you have a log, previously successful hive manipulations under those rare conditions may yield positive results. Even more important is you have a reference to “manipulations that don’t work”. Documenting flowering nectar source bloom times under various conditions gives you a range of what is normal and what isn’t…just takes the guess work out of the picture…and makes you a much more competent beekeeper.


I actually just self-published a bee logbook that I put together after being dissatisfied with the other methods and books out there. I made special versions made for California beekeepers and Flow Hive beekeepers.

Mateo Kaiser

I’ve found logbooks to be a useful aid for keeping track of my colonies’ progress over time, as well as their health, especially when there are several beekeepers involved in caring for an apiary. I spent a lot of time making my logbook as intuitive as possible, as well as creating reference pages with some of the beekeeping information that I find most useful to have on hand.

I’m a college student and avid hobby beekeeper and I wanted to do something to make beekeeping a little more accessible. Any feedback or questions are of course welcome!

Best, Mateo