Looking for help and advice

Hi Peter,
thank you so much for your response. Your message sounds optimistic. I have been visiting a bee keeper´s school in Slovakia for the first year but no one of the teachers are familiar with Flow Hive harvesting. But I appreciate the lessons of traditional bee keeping very much there. I wonder about the chance to get a Flow Hive mentor in Slovakia. It is the idea of my daughter living in Sweden to purchase a Flow Hive. Both me and her are not sure if it works in Slovak Republic.
I would also like to make some ready up measures before I order a Flow Hive. Does exist any list of Flow Hive preparations?
Do I have to purchase a Langstroth hive to make my traditional be keeping compatible with the planned flow hive? Do you have any detailed sizing info?
I received one be family on B9 frames (420x275mm) on late autumn. It is wintering in my garden and I am worrying about the spring. Is it necessary to follow any compatibility between traditional hive and Flow Hive bee keeping?
Thanks in advance.

Hi George,
thank you so much for supportive response. Your message sounds optimistic. I have been visiting a bee keeper´s school in Slovakia for the first year but no one of the teachers are familiar with Flow Hive harvesting. But I appreciate the lessons of traditional bee keeping very much there. I wonder about the chance to get a Flow Hive mentor in Slovakia. It is the idea of my daughter living in Sweden to purchase a Flow Hive. Both me and her are not sure if it works in Slovak Republic.
I would also like to make some ready up measures before I order a Flow Hive. Does exist any list of Flow Hive preparations?
Do I have to purchase a Langstroth hive to make my traditional be keeping compatible with the planned flow hive? Do you have any detailed sizing info?
I received one be family on B9 frames (420x275mm) on late autumn. It is wintering in my garden and I am worrying about the spring. Is it necessary to follow any compatibility between traditional hive and Flow Hive bee keeping?
Thanks in advance.


Hi Antalova,

Have you been in touch with FlowHive, www.honeyflow.com.au , They have a lot of information on their web site

They may also be able to give you more detail on what you require and possible contacts in Slovakia.

Good luck, I hope all goes well for you

