Best Time to Transfer New Nuc (in Hive) to my Flowhive

Hi All, last week I purchased my first Nuc and came with a brood box- the bees were pretty quite given the dreary weather we have been having but they have been enjoying the lovely moments of sunshine and seem very active. The box that came with the bees is too large for my flowhive super to fit onto (when the time comes). I would like to transfer these frames into my flowhive - can I do this at anytime or should I wait? Thanks in advance

How many frames is your nuc?

Is it a timber or corflute nuc box? A photo or two would be great!

Hi @Stevo It is a 10 frame timber box but the end frames are new with nothing on them (that I know of) was going to check when the sun came fully out and things warmed up a little. Ill attach a photo if I can (its of the outside only)

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My flowhive I have fits perfectly over this frame and sits secure in place - we have it sitting on this metal piece for now as it is too big for the frame we have.

That hive looks to be in very good condition, looks like it’s a bit wet there which is probably why I don’t see many bees? How heavy was the hive when you installed it?

I don’t have a flow hive so can’t really advise too much but I assume the one you have is the 6 frame which I assume is equivalent to an 8-frame Langstroth box.

Depending on when the nuc was made up I’d be inclined to let them get through most of winter before transferring them over but not knowing your local climate it may be better to wait from someone nearer to you to comment.

@Stevo thanks for getting back to me - its a brand new hive and the queen is about 4 months old - it was pretty heavy - needed 2 people to lift carefully.
I am waiting for a super nice day (which we generally have here in winter on the Central Coast of Qld (but may be a little more wet this year they are predicting)) to open it up properly and have a look inside at the frames. Had a quick look on weekend (when sunny) and the end frames are brand new (and removed 1 so they dont use it) but looks pretty full in the middle. I dont mind leaving them through winter if its best for them. And yes I have the 6 frame flowhive so will need to transfer over at some point. Thanks again

No worries as I’m in Sydney things are a bit different here in Winter although far from what I’d call cold lol.

Great that they were heavy hopefully it means they have some honey stores on board.

I’m sure @Peter48 will chime in soon, he is on the Sunshine Coast and is very experienced so I’m sure he will have some good advice for you.

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Hi Ellen I am assuming you have the 8 frame flowhive as you mentioned not all the frames will fit from that very large nuc.
If that is the case I would be getting 8 frames into the flowhive brood box and leave those 2 outer frames out before they get used by the bees.
Leave the super off until the brood box is well populated on all frames. Ensure all the frames are tight against each other and any additional space is at the outside edges.
Good luck

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Gaz has given you good advise. Transfer into your Flow brood 8 frame ASAP.

You’ll have spare frames for a rainy day :blush: and another hive for when you become addicted :wink::+1:

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Personally I’d be ordering a second 8-frame brood box to have ready for when they build up.

Don’t think 8 frames will cut it unless you want them to swarm.

Hello Ellen, I just picked up the thread with @Stevo drawing my attention to it. From a quick read I’m understanding you have a 10 frame brood box that will be too wide for a 6 frame Flow Super. An 8 frame brood box is what is needed.
I see in the photo that the hive entrance is full width, that is too wide from my experience. especially in Winter (as we have) and more so for a new colony.
I’m presently in the process of cycling out 8 frame wooden hives, some are less than a year old, I’m scorching the insides and painting them white again and are surplus to my needs as I’m changing over to poly hives. I’m also going around the bend with this Corona virus and planning on a trip up the coast for a short break so I might be able to help you out, drop a PM on me with where you are and an email address and I’m happy to help you out if I can.


Thanks @Peter48 Im doing the transfer this morning, looks like the only sunny morning we are going to have here for another 5 or 6 days (unfortunately) overcast or drizzly rain weather for a few days ahead. I would still appreciate a visit if you head up this way - I am in Netherdale an hour from Mackay. Let me know if you come up and I will PM details etc. Thanks again everyone for the support and advice it is truly appreciated.

I would reduce the entrance of the new hive to about 100mm and that will still provide enough ventilation and a more defendable entrance releasing more guard bees for foraging. I would also advise a second hive as a good idea so that if a hive weakens out you have the option of switching in some frames of brood from a stronger hive.
You will know if you need to add a super after the transfer, look for 80% or more of the cells of all the frames to be in use for brood and stores.
I’m thinking the Whitsunday Coast will be nice to visit this time of year for a weeks break.

@Peter48 and everyone else who provided me with sound advice - the transfer went well - I will upload some photos as well - but a success. The frames are not full - only 3 or 4 out of the 8 so no need for a super yet - hopefully they will stay strong through the winter.
I did see 3 small black beetles (that I think are hive beetles) do I just buy bettle traps online? Whitsunday coast is fabulous this time of year - whales coming through - normally loads of sunshine. Let me know if you head up this way. Thanks again everyone


2 hives


Have a look on EBay for ‘beetle blaster trap’ they sit between in outer most brood frame and the next one in on each side and sit between the tops of the frames… Add cooking oil till they are about 1cm full and they work very well. Sounds like there is SHB in the hive and as the hive builds up the bees can better control the SHB numbers. Most hives will have some and only three is nothing to get worried about. The frames should sit shoulder to shoulder so you may need to remove some bur comb that is sitting beyond the wooden frames.