Hi all! I’m starting my first hive this spring 2022 as well. Live in Wellesley, MA & would love to connect with other Flow Hivers nearby. I joined a local bee association & have been taking classes but they focus on traditional hives.
Hi & welcome to the forum. Be aware that the only difference between a Flow hive & a traditional hive is how you harvest the honey. I would say that the vast majority of what they teach will be relevant to you.
I have one tip, & that is to follow @VinoFarm 's journey when he started out. He made the mistake of starting out with foundationless frames, which caused him all sorts of grief. He’s up in your neck of the woods.
I agree with Jeff. Great to hear you’re taking a class…you still need to take
care of your bees. The Flow Hive is an alternate method of harvesting the honey. But Hive checks, Mite/Pest Control, etc all need to be done as you would for any other hive.
Don’t what @VinoFarm’s problems were, but we started out foundationless and have no grief at all.
Happy BeeKeeping!
Hi Jared, I’m pleased that foundationless frames worked well for you. Vino made a lot of rookie mistakes at the beginning. He was devastated when he turned the frame on it’s side, resulting in the comb falling out. I followed his Youtube channel for a while. He makes very interesting, plus entertaining videos.
Hey Lillian - welcome! I used foundationless frames my first year with mixed success. I knew better than to tilt them the way Vino Farm apparently did, but deep frames have a big weight-to-volume ratio & can be quite fragile when the wax is brand new and filled with nectar. I modified them the next year with bamboo skewers, to add some structure for all that empty space. I’ll look for a pic to show you if you’re interested.
Hi Lillian,
I am starting my first hive this Spring 2023. I live in Marlboro and I am looking to connect with someone who has a Flow Hive.
Hi Pat,
Welcome to beekeeping! I just started my first Hiive last Spring and actually didn’t end up putting my Flow Super on last year (we had a drought and my colony built very slowly). Hoping they survive the winter so I can test out this Flow technology!
Happy to chat more on it as the season progresses!
HI Lillian,
Thanks for getting back to me. It would be great to keep in touch. I am taking the Bee school course through worcester county, it has been great so far, lots of info. Someone mentioned the flow hive during the course and it did not go over well… do you know of any Flow Hive groups in the area, it would be nice to meet/talk with people that are using them.
Thanks again for your response,
I took the Norfolk county bee school course and the instructor there said he thought that Flow supers were “gimmicky”.
I haven’t found any other Flow users near me yet. I’ve watched videos on YouTube and it seems people have had success with it. I’m going to be optimistic about my harvest this year!
I have been doing the same on YouTube. I don’t think it is “gimmicky” just some don’t think any other way to do something can be a good way.
On March 12th there is a talk about the Flow Hive through the Rhode Island Beekeepers Association, ribeekeeper.org
I am planning on going, I will let you know how it was!
Hello everyone, I am to beekeeping and just got my first flow hive yesterday. I did start to put it together but before I got to far down the line I wanted to see what specific, brand/line of paint for the roof and stain for the brood/super, that everyone would recommend. I was going to go to Aubuchon which I think limits me to Benjamin Moore products.
Pat, I am interested in the flow hive, how is yours doing? Would love to see on in person? Where do you live? I LIVE IN Sudbury, MA. .
Jimmi V.
Hello, I am very interested in the flow hive and would like to see it in person. I live in Sudbury, Ma. What is your location?
Jimmi V.