I am in the final stages of putting together my horizontal hives- one of the last jobs is deciding what material to use for my hive roofs. The frame of the roofs will be made of wood- but I was hoping to find some other material to make the actual roof from. I was wondering if there was a suitable white plastic- that can handle years in the direct sun. I found a product called ‘boat board’ it is a white UV stable plastic and comes in 6.3mm thickness and large sheets- it is used as an alternative to marine ply.
However I am not wedded to using plastic- i would consider any suitable material- ideally something with a good insulation value. I am considering covering thin plywood with galvanized metal or alloy, using a sheet of corrugated iron, of ‘mini-orb’ or anything else that is cost effective and will do the job. I would be interested in any possibilities or ideas.
To give you an idea of what I am after here is a pic of the hives I am assembling: