Send an e-mail to info at honey - remove the spaces and change at to @ (just trying to foil the spambots). Include your order e-mail address and order number to help them look up you address etc.
You shouldn’t need this part at first, unless you already have a full brood box (or two) already. Where in the world are you located? Are you getting a nucleus or a package?
That is good to know that this part isn’t needed at first. I am located in Southwest Colorado in Four Corners area of USA. Spring has sprung and bees are on their way. I am getting 1 queen bee and 15,000 worker bees.
Sounds like you will need a second brood box then. What do most beekeepers in your area use? One brood box is enough for subtropical climates, but when the winters get cold, bees need enough storage space for food, meaning a second box. You can buy one here if you need it:
You may not need your Flow frames this year if you have to get your colony size grown to 2 brood boxes.
That was the same part I was missing. Both top and bottom. It took several email bit after about a little longer than a month I finally got the missing parts. Probably whomever works with BZ6 should been sent packing if they keep messing up orders.
I’m sorry to hear you have been waiting a long time for a response. Do you have a genuine Flow Hive and have emailed the customer support email address? Emails are normally answered in 1-2 business days, unless there is a public holiday, weekend, etc.
Please include your order number or the email address you used to make your order when you email so that we can find your order in our system. Please also check your spam box in your email - sometimes Flow responds, but the emails are missed unfortunately.