When does the nectar flow stop in alpine CA.?
Hi Clark, I am about 40 miles coastal from you (Point Loma in San Diego city), and our nectar flow stopped about 7 weeks ago. I would think yours would be similar. I have a hive scale which has shown a down trend since the beginning of July:
I am actually starting to feed a couple of my hives which are a bit short on stores, and varroa treatment is under way.
Edit: Just realized i only answered half of the question. So I think it stops early July. Decent nectar flow down here started in early March.
My brother lives in Alpine. I am trying to get him into Bee keeping. Nice haul.
Thanks for that info Dawn. I suspected that it was over from my hive checks. Didn’t see any more stores being made. I kept most of their honey and will use it to feed them over the winter as needed.