More and more on this site I’m seeing people who seemed to have jumped on the Bee band wagon because they think they can make money like honey.
I have always been interested in ecology, science, cooking, gardening and I read voraciously.
Added to the wonder of the Flow Hive system all my interests came together. Thank you @Cedar and @Stu_Anderson
Many old Bee Keepers pooh poohed the idea of so many WannaBee’s and now I can see why.
The number of new WannaBee’s that have bought hives and think that Bee Keeping is just buying a box of bees and putting them in a hive and walking back when the honey is there, are making a laughing stock of a craft for looking after and caring for the Bees with good husbandry and understanding.
I did not come into Bee Keeping with my eyes closed - I spent 6 months and immersed myself in all things Bee Keeping before I bought my first 2 nucleus hives from a Bee Keepers who follows good practice and had the bees inspected while I was there. They were disease free and in good condition with an official seal of approval.
Many Older Beeks have quite set ways and feel their way is the only way and that is fair enough if it works for them, but me being who I am I want to know the whys and wherefores of how this thing works and I turn to science to backup or refute what I hear and learn - some bad practices are out there because “That is the way I was taught” attitude - if there is a better way I will dig it out and look to the science.
The Bee community is proud that 3 Bee Keepers will give you 5 answers but have you ever wondered why? Mostly I find because the persons understanding of what they are trying to ask is skewed due to lack of knowledge - and that is fine - we are all learning. What I do find hard is the Beeks trying to “help” are not asking all the relevant questions and so the answers they give are “OK” for a certain set of circumstances but are often knee jerk reactions to the questions being asked - I’m guilty of this just as much as the next person.
Can I say to all the new WannaBee’s out there Bee Keeping is a passion, it is addictive but it is not a thing to be taken on lightly. If you are serious about becoming a Bee Keeper you have to be prepared to be Stung!! Not just from the Bees. You need to spend a bit of money, learn a few carpentry skills for basic hive assembly, understand the bees and their life cycle, know you area in terms of crops, flowers, and how your next door neighbour may poison your bees unwittingly. JOIN A CLUB!!! Get to know other Bee Keepers, look at the different styles of Bee Keeping - not just the box set up but the ethos behind bee keeping practices - there are methods in the madness and grey areas in between.
If you are serious about Bee Keeping, you need to understand the Bees, Flowers, Agriculture, Science.
“It’s not just Bees in a box”
I have been on courses - and continue to do so.
I have spent a heap of money on beekeeping - £4,000 so far
I have bought books, read brochures, beekeeing magazines - have 3 subscriptions here in the UK - my local Warwickshire newsletter, BBKA magazine and BeeCraft,
I’m on the mailing list for several websites and facebook pages of Bee discussions, scientific discoveries, entomology studies and agricultural sites for information about current uses of pesticide, fungicides, herbicides, and fertilizers used in the agricultural field
I’m concerned about residues of agricultural substances being consumed by us and the bees in the plants we eat
I know there are 7 (a new one has been added) Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow, BASF, Bayer, Dupont, and now a Chines conglomerate) these people are slowly killing our world as we know it, to make megga bucks and line their pockets at our expense and health