Number of Cells in Flowframes

Fun Fact for anyone interested… there are 3780 cells in one Flowframe and 26460 cells in a 7 Frame Flowhive, thats a lot of cells and holds a lot of honey :wink:


Oh my goodness, I’ve been here for 6 years and had no idea! Did you count them? Thanks for the info :slight_smile:


No worries, just counted how many cells up and then multiply by how many cells across then x by 2, then x that number by 7 = 26460 :slight_smile:


Thanks Wolf! Seems a few of us on the team here were fascinated to find this out :slight_smile:


Now all we have to do is work out how much honey each cell holds, then we could calculate how much to expect at harvest time and perhaps how many jars we will need :wink:

Working on 3 to 3.5kg per frame that works out to 793 to 925 milligrams per cell.


…and at 1.42g/ml that’s 1.126 to 1.314 ml/cell.

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Which sounds a bit much to me when I look at a syringe or a Gilson pipette. I would guess half of that. But who knows? :blush:

Oh I just did the back of the envelope math… If it is 900mg per cell, and it is 50% denser than water, that makes it 600microlitres or 0.6ml per cell…

Further confession. I spent far too much time doing cell culture and PCR. I can almost calibrate a Gilson pipette by eye…


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Haha. I obviously cannot.

My arithmetic was backward - 0.793-0.925g would be 0.558-0.651mL!

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I will take a bow here, and shuffle off the stage left…


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Now that we have established that a cell holds 900mg or 600mL I hope this helps you with ordering the correct number of jars.

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600 microlitres. Not 600 ml! :rofl:

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Ludwig Armbruster (1928):

A single cell 12mm deep may fit 0.43g of honey.

How it gets filled:
1st day - 0.14g
2nd day - 0.28g
6th day - almost full - 0.40g.


What is the depth of FH cell?

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