Polystyrene Boxes

Here’s my take on them. My supplier bought about a hundred of the polys this year to try. The difference where he lives and where I live is about 75 miles. He thought I might want to try them, but I opted out on the condition that where I live it gets extremely windy most days. Especially in winter the wind can cause a nice 20 degree day to drop below zero in no time at all. Also if I were to keep polys I would have to go buy a ton of bricks just to keep them from blowing away. What most of you call hurricanes we call strong winds. It’s nothing for us to experience 70 to 100 mile an hour winds here. . as far as the polys go, I kind of like them because I think lifting one would be a tad lighter than a honey filled 10 frame langstroth box. And from what I can tell they don’t seem to make any difference to the bees.

How do you check the brood box?

@sara same as normal hives

Seems like it would be hard to do with the two boxes screwed together by the exterior insulating boards. Am I missing something? Besides removing the panels every time you need a peek in?

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Sorry I was talking about Normal poly hives - I see your point

Hi Sarah
I fixed them on like this only as a temporary measure. It’s easier to line them up if it’s just one sheet. I’ll run a sharp blade across the sheets when I’m ready to inspect the hive!
If you notice the photo, I drew a line across the sheet so I can easily find the spot to cut later. You may not see it very well on the completed photo but there is a line on the edge of the polystyrene as an easy guide. I won’t bother cutting, until I’m ready to inspect, it will only take a few seconds to cut! It’s like butter!

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I agree, was thinking much the same with a timber sheet and connecting together with glue and screws. Please let me know how you go if you start before me. Wouldn’t it be awesome, a flow hive with insulation as a bonus!

OK ; -)

That makes total sense. I was imagining a pretty rigid material that you would not be able to just cut with a packing knife.

Hi John, I was thinking of something similar to what you did would work for you. I grew some Chinese Water Chestnuts in poly boxes last year & early this year. I’m getting ready to plant again but got howled down by a group of people including my wife about poison from the poly boxes leaching into the water. How would I go painting the inside of the poly boxes with food grade paint? Do you reckon it would hold onto the poly while full of water for 9 months?

Good question, trouble with any paint, is that it will eventually leach out I think.
What about a food grade plastic sheet, sitting in the box, at least this would stop the polystyrene contacting any water?
You could also try putting a food grade hydro pot in the polystyrene, filling the gaps outside the pot with straw/soil/ rags/ ETC to continue the thermal effect!

Thanks John, I like the idea of the food grade plastic sheet, I’ll try & get some of that. However, yesterday I grabbed a secondhand bathtub for $15.00, I’m going to sink that halfway into my garden & plant the water chestnuts in that. I’ll have a few spare plants for the styro boxes if I can access the food grade plastic. Thanks mate, good luck with your bees. bye for now.

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Hi John, I went one better, I went back to the tip shop & grabbed 2 nice ss tubs for $10 ea. I’ll put one plant in each one of those & 4 in the bath tub.

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Hi Again,
Thought you might be interested in this video on repairing a Polystyrene Hive, in relation to adapting Flow Frames. Your wooden board could screw into the polystyrene ver easily as per this video I think.

Good to hear this Good to hear this