I have tried to harvest 2 of my flow frames, they full & capped, but when I opened the gate only a very small amount of honey came down into the Shute. The bees are still working on the frames too. Any reason for the slow drain of honey. 25deg here in Orange NSW
Hi and welcome Garry. Happy New Year.
I can think of 3 possibilities. The first one being that it looked full & capped through the rear viewing window, when if fact the inside was empty. A physical inspection would rule that out.
The other two would be if the honey has crystallized, or it is thixotropic, which normally comes from Leptospermum plants, commonly referred to as Jellybush honey, on account that the honey sets like jelly in the comb.
Jeff is right, did you have a lot of Canola or wild radish there this season? If so it’s probably candied. Open up the hive and pull the frames for a good look.
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