Hey all I have a question I’m hoping someone can help me with I have a mini auto frame hive I brought really quickly as my neighbour had swarming bees at his place,but of cause before I could get to them they were gone,and my hive turned up,but now I have no bees except for years now I have had a tree with native stingless bees in it and I have made them go throw a bottle to get out of the tree,so now I have a bottle full of natives and wax,is their anyway to convert a mini auto hive for native bees,say honey would be nice but I’m also quite open to just broad and housing them in my yard for pollenation. What would be the best method for this madness ,look forward to every reply as to gain some hive mentality
Native bees don’t build in combs like European bees. Their build is more circular.
So you will not be able to use any flow type frames for harvesting. But by all means give them a box to live in. There are native bee clubs so maybe google one up for more info.
I also have another question what would happen if I buy a new mated queen bee,and she comes with 7 helper bees if I put her and them into a new hive with nothing else and a bowl of honey would she and they live on and slowly build a family. Or not
Definitely not. Under the best of circumstances, you need at least a cupful (250ml) of nurse bees. Much better to have a lot more though, a colony that small is for professionals!
Thanks for the knowledge I did sort of suspect that and thought asking first is always the best cheers
Absolutely right. On this forum, no question is a stupid question. It is just stupid not to ask if you don’t know! We like supporting each other, and filling in gaps in experience. We all love bees and want them to thrive in our hands (or at least in our apiaries!)