Varoa Mite found at Newcastle Port
Very bad news but the authorities seem to be on top of it. Fingers crossed.
Varoa Mite found at Newcastle Port
Very bad news but the authorities seem to be on top of it. Fingers crossed.
Oh, that’s terrible news.
Hopefully, they have it under control but it is likely a sign of things to come.
A warning shot, in the least, for beekeepers throughout Australia.
A 50-kilometre restriction zone around the port. I hope that the people of NSW comply with the requirement to notify the authorities of their hive locations.
Looking across from the hermit kingdom it appeared that people in NSW do not seem to have a good track record in compliance with COVID. I hope they can do better with varroa!
Inevitable. SHB will hit the UK at somepoint.
Never lost a colony to Varroa thankfully. If managed its controllable.
Commercial beekeepers are the concern.
Hi Dean. Your climate might be a buffer at keeping hive beetles out of the UK. Beetles do well in a hot, humid climate…
@SouthEastScarp , have faith in the NSW DPI & Bio-security.
NSW, Australia, not the UK.
Yeah I know, I’m in SE Qld.