What to do with burr comb hanging off of inner cover?

I caught a tiny swarm back in late April. At first, I didn’t think they would make it because they only consisted of a queen and less than 80 bees (also I went from 1 hive to 4 this year, and I only intended to have 3 hives). So I didn’t bother them and let them be in the swarm box. Later on, I find that their population hasn’t grown that much, but they drew out a neat little slab of burr comb off of the top of the inner cover on the inside, about 5 inches down. It’s filled with capped worker brood. They drew out the burr comb due to the lack of frames in the swarm box.
Any ideas on what to do with that little piece of capped brood burr comb? I don’t want to ruin it; it’s all they got.

You could cut the comb from the inner cover and rubber band it into a frame, take a frame of brood from your strongest hive and put that in the swarm box along with a frame of stores. When the swarm box is strong it will be a very salable item if you don’t want to keep it. Fit frames to the swarm box, preferable built out frames or frames with foundation.
But to survive they will need some help from you and consider feeding them syrup to increase wax making.

Thanks @Peter48! Do you have any ideas on how to do the whole rubber-banding thing, considering that I don’t want to harm the capped brood, and it’s kind of small compared to a deep frame? :slight_smile:


Thanks for posting that video Dean, it is as good as I’ve seen and sure it will help Kat.