I have read that when putting a conventional honey super on it it a good idea to let leave the queen excluder off for a few days to encourage the bees to draw comb. Do Flow Hive users recommend the same for the flow frames or should I put the excluder on from the start?
Hi Pat,
Beekeepers have very different views on to-queen-exclude or not-to-queen-exclude. I personally have not had any issues with bees going up to the supers or flow or seen any hindrance to the bees using queen excluders. I do however follow a couple of simple beekeeping rules:
adding a super only when the bees are full to the brim in the brood chamber
adding a super when bees begin building comb on top of frames in the brood (or super) or on the roof
add a super when there is a major honey flow is about to begin
should i add the excluder when i add all from the nuc? the girls will have access 2 the inner cover 4 some sugar water. the super won’t B added for a while.