Hello i live in palawan, where can i order flow hive frames?i made an old plywood box for bees after 1 week bees starting to colonize then i saw this modern type of caring bees and cant help but excited to buy.
Hi Riel,
We ship to the Philippines through our international web shop. You can view our shipping information here:
Genuine Flow Frames can be purchased here and come with an international warranty https://www.honeyflow.com/shop/flow-frames/flow-frames/p/263
When you buy the Flow Frames we provide free hive modification instructions.
Our modification instructions are here:
There is only one place to buy quality Flow Frames, so I suggest you think ‘quality’ rather than ‘affordable’ or you will end up with very poor quality frames that are brittle and are are nothing but junk, They can be very difficult to even open to drain the honey. So buy your Flow Frames from the original manufacturer who did all the research and development in making a quality product and don’t buy the garbage that is made in China.
Regards Peter