I was thinking I could contribute some information on how things are different in my region, for those curious (like what hive types are dominating, bee species, diseases, etc.) As a last resort, I will put it into the “Connect with Locals” category, but I think that’s more for people from the same region to find each other, and they will likely already know these things. OTOH, maybe they would be able to improve upon the information I share?
I would love to know. I’ve spruked my region every chance I get.
“On the other hand” tricked me. TGFG (thank goodness for Google)
TGFG, I had to search for ‘spruked’
A suggestion for the Forum homepage which all could see.
Perhaps a simple way to give structure to the location of topics in the forum, is to show at the entry point to the forum, a model of a beehive, with relevant click points.
For example, click the roof to write about the roof.
Click the broodbox to write about the brood box, etc. etc.
When someone clicks, the beehive element, a suitable link could be automatically generated.
Without wishing to disregard the idea, the discussions or questions rarely focus just on the roof or just on the brood box.
I find the current categories easy to follow and I make use of the search box frequently to hone in on a subject.
Now you’ve made me feel bad.
Thanks for thoughts Buso, My piece included two clear words “for example” as there was no need to list all items, as I had thought readers would understand the wider context of what I was expressing, and suggesting, by simply referring to two items. No need to feel bad, I’m Johnny Bee Good and life is great.
Thanks for your suggestion, but at the moment we have had out topics listed this way for a while, and organised depending on issues, topics, etc.
For example brood boxes can be discussed in our forum in a couple of different areas depending on what is being discussed.
They may be in beekeeping basics when someone wants to know how many to use in their area, and they be in modifications and building bee hives if someone wants to discuss how to build them.
That is just an example of how the topics are split up depending on relevance