About the Beekeeping - Basics category

For all the newbees wanting to discuss and learn more about keeping bees, from getting started with the basics, to basic practices and the most used methods.


Where do I go to introduce myself?

Welcome to the forum Stewie, there is a wealth of information and help on the site. Spend some time and get an idea how it works. You have not listed your location which is a good idea to do so as this forum is world wide so it will assist people offering advise.

Hi fellow beekeepers,
I just want to say hello and learn to navigate myself around the forum. I’m brand new beekeeper and have much to learn.

Welcome to the forum, there is lots of reading and if you need an answer to a question there is good advise to be had from friendly members.
Bee keeping is a learning curve and anyone who says they know it all is just kidding you.
Don’t be shy, if you have a question that you can’t find the answer you only have to ask.

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I am a 74 year old Lawn Mower Gardener, when I was bitten 6 times n my best customers Garden and was offered a swarm of bees in another customers watering system box I decided to start to learn more, Where do I go from here. Thanks Tony B

I am wondering when I should add my 2nd box? And if it goes on the top or on the bottom of the established one? Also anything I need to know or do to prepare for winter?

Hi I am a a newbie, so new that my new Flow hive hasn’t arrived yet. Though I did grow up on a family farm, that a bee keeper had a commercial bee hives there. I am getting into bees late in life at 65, my wife loves eating honey, and when I saw the flow hive concept I became very interested in the simplicity of the idea of it. Is there any bee keepers in the Wagga Wagga NSW area that are on this forum? As I will ASAP need to look into acquiring a brood of bees to get started with.

Welcome to the forum Trevor, you will find lots of reading and some nice folks happy to give you advice and tips along the way. Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question when you don’t know the answer to it yourself.
Find your local bee group in Wagga Wagga and they will be of value about local conditions in bee keeping. Spring time is when a lot of bee keepers do splits of their hives so you should be able to buy a split from them or one of their members.
Location of your hive will be an important consideration and if you have a handy tree that can provide Summer shade, especially from mid-day into the late afternoon will be a great help for the bees. Being a farm lad there is no need to remind you about the need for a handy water supply for the bees not just for drinking but for cooling the hive too.
You might get local contacts by posting in the introductions section of the forum with your location…

#Peter48, thank you for you kind works of encouragement, and helpful suggestions. I am still waiting for my flow hive to arrive, I’m not sure if my order was processed before stock ran out, I hope it’s on it’s way.

Drop Flow Hive an email and ask for an update on if/when it was shipped to you.

Hello everyone, i have been thinking about getting into beekeeping for quite a while but keep putting it off for many legitimate reasons, however i needed to do some research on what I’m getting into i stumbled onto the Flow website and was fascinated with the concept, so i’m working on making an investment in one of the units.
I’m from the island of Trinidad & Tobago.

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Welcome to the forum Dion, you will find lots of reading and folks here happy to pass on sound advice. Efficient bee keeping is very much dependent on advice that fits in with your climate.
Go for it and you will enjoy the journey that never ends. I advise having two hives so that you can compare how they both are going and a second hive can donate frames of brood to a weaker of if/when something unforeseen happens.

Great news, my flow hive has arrived, well last Tuesday actually. I have started putting it together, had to get some PVC glue for the brood box frames. I’ve also purchased paint for it too. I haven’t started on the part of the hive where the bees will store the honey, I will get started on it once I’ve built the brood box frames. There is a local bee club in Wagga Wagga, that meets at Charles Sturt Uni, on the 2nd Sunday, I hoping to get to their next meet. I’ve just read on their website that they have a flow hive, so that should be helpful.


I have completed my second year as a beekeeper. Last year I harvested wax. This year I harvested wax again and 50 containers of honey. My concern is that I have lost my colonies in November both years. My first year I purchased two packages and the second year I tried two nucs, hoping for better results.

I am very sad about that especially this year as my bees worked so hard! I am looking for some advise on what to do different next year.

Last year another beekeeper gave me a swarm she removed in November. I still have those bees. The problem is these bees are Africanized and too aggressive for me to open their hive.

Thank you for any suggestions you might have.


I am looking into purchasing the Hybrid box. I have never kept bees before and have zero experience. My first question is Do I need a brood box?

Hello and thank you for creating this Forum.

Is there an approximate date on when the bees will start building comb in a new hive?
(Is it possible to do so even if a queen is not present)?

On normal it will take between 7 days to 2 months for honey bees to produce comb and fill it with Honey. but, a strong setup colony, during a solid honey stream, can draw out an entire 10 casing profound box and fill it with honey in just 3 days. In some cases considerably speedier, in under 24 hours.

Hi all I am from Perth Western Australia and have a 10-frame Langstroth brood box that is nearly ready to put a super on however I am now thinking I want a flow hive so can more experience the honey from different seasons. Is there a flow hive that will fit on top of my existing box or do I need to move my bees into a flow hive brood box. Regards.

Hi everyone,
I just want to say hello and learn to navigate myself around the forum. I’m brand new and have much to learn.