Wimberley, Texas, usa - started 2022


I started beekeeping in hot Hill Country Texas in 2022, with 6 hives, I did some splits in the spring 2023, and grew. Invested in Flow Hives, but it’s been a disaster - no flows and the boxes - yes they are painted - have weathered badly. Cracks, splits and misaligned parts with a lot of repairs. I’ve noticed they are smaller or larger than Langstroth parts for using wtih them… but I’ve adapted.

I’m really hoping that I can do some splits this febuary 2025, after the last super cold nights are hitting us, and get a good enough flow that I can try, again, to place the flow supers on. I have them ready, and brushed with wax, ready for use.

I don’t seem to have enough bees for them to fill out any of the flow frames in the short 2 to 3 week flow seasons we seem to have - any suggestions or should I just give up on these supers? In Spring 2024, prior to the flow, I focused on growing my brood as much as possible, but that really didn’t seem to help with having foragers to handle our flow. It came late, in May 2024 and was unimpressive. I know it’s about the weather… but I’ve 3 acres of flowers that are available in the spring, so I would think it would be easy enough for these bees to handle filling their flow supers? Or is 3 weeks just too short? July - Sept is a dearth and always a syrup feeding season.

I did the online beekeeping school, and loved learning a lot from it. and attended some local beekeeping conferences. The largest in texas is held every May. I’ve helped with other apiaries here locally and am a Hives for Heroes mentor as well.

Hi Teresa, I can only answer your questions by asking you a question or two. Do any locals near you run Flow hives? If so, are they successful? If they are successful, all I can suggest is to mimic what they do. If not, maybe try half flow & half traditional for this season.

I don’t use flow hives, but I’ve had a lot to do with them. I have observed that Araucaria hives don’t weather well at all. WRC weathers much better. I have found that Langstroth parts fit well with Flow hives.

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