New to the Forum? Introduce yourself!

Hi I’m Anne, now well and trully retired and living in Melbourne Australia. It’s probably close to sventy years ago i first fell in love with bees. My grandfather kept about fifty hives , moving around central Victoria following the famous yellow box flow. The fascination with all thigs beekeeping has continued so that now my eight year old grand-daughter helps. (fifth generation). We now only have one hive i the backyard but that’ fine. I can’t wait to get my flow frames. Fancy having to wait until December.


It is fantastic to read through the introductions and see people from all over!! There is so much we can share and learn from each other through this forum :smile:


Hi all from metropolitan Detroit, Michigan, USA,

We are new beekeepers, still in class. We, too, were moved to beekeeping after seeing Flow Hive, but soon learned we needed to become educated. We are loving it and looking forward to our Flow Hive coming in September. Our goal at the moment is to successfully overwinter our first hive, which is still on campus where we’re taking our class and will come home in mid August.

We live in an urban area on a postage stamp sized lot, so will only be keeping 2-3 hives max, 1-2 for the bees and one with our Flow Hive atop for our own honey consumption and gifting. It is wonderful and exciting to be part of this community from around the globe! Would love to hear from anyone in the Michigan area. Bee well! :smile:


Hey all! Sherri from Virginia here.
My husband and I have long talked about wanting to get into bee keeping. We are excited about the Flow and can’t wait to learn all about the humbling process of keeping a hive.


Greetings from Christchurch, New Zealand.
We are backyard beekeepers with a few hives in and around Christchurch and I also work for Hivemind, who do remote beehive monitoring systems.
Disclaimer: My wife is actually the chief beekeeper. Sometimes, if I’ve been especially good, I’m allowed to light the smoker.
Love to see innovation helping beekeepers. Great job guys.

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Hello beepeople, I live on the Gold Coast in Queensland and have 9 hives, Ive had my girls for 10years now, I love being with my bees and helping them out and looking after the environment as well,t hey give me such joy to just watch them flying around. I had a great opportunity to experience working on a honey farm in Tasmania a few years ago which was an amazing experience. I much prefer being a hobbiest though, having my own bees is so rewarding.


Tom and Marty here in California wine country. Third generation beekeeper. So excited to try our new hive!


Hello, I’m Mark Brooks in Dixon, Kentucky USA. I am learning about beekeeping and have just built my first top bar hive. I’m looking for package bees to start my first hive but I’m having trouble finding them. I may have waited too long to order. I plan on getting a Honeyflow hive asap. I want to get some experience first. I was diagnosed with ALS in Nov of 2013 but I’m getting around okay in my mobility chair and have help to get my small apiary going. I’m worried about the declining bee population due to pesticides and lack of education. I want to do my part to teach my two boys (9 and 6 years old) the importance of our stewardship. I’m looking forward to learning as much as possible and applaud the efforts of!

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A man should know his limitations .Great to read you know your place in the bee smoking department . Do you have bee cam for your remote monitoring ? I have a small farm 5 xhrs drive away with 3 x tripple super hives and would love to see them every day but cannot . I might muse over a roving camera or two and connect to the internet with _ remote controls , uv / infra red would be good to gague hive temp distribution . Quite a buzz .
I already have spy cam x 2 , cray cam , and spit cam so why not BUZZ CAM .
CHEERS DAVID from east gippsland victoria


Ha ha, cheers David.
No cameras on our stuff yet. The UV is an interesting idea though.
Data tends to be the issue for pictures as we use satellite based communication (due to mobile coverage being pretty patchy in NZ/Aus remote apiary locations) and data is expensive via satellite (why we just do weight and temp).
If you do have cell coverage at your farm I’m sure there are products that might be able to do it.
Did hear of some beekeepers looking at motion activated hunting cameras a couple of years ago, but I think that was more for monitoring humans than the bees.


Welcome Mark! Other options to get bees now would be to contact your local swarm & pest companies. Most pest removal companies are educated enough not to kill off swarms. Also, a local bee club may have available nucs that are not advertised. Within my bee club in NC we know who to contact tp get emergency brood frames, queens, and nucs :wink: Join a bee club and become one of the “in” crowd :blush: I wish you luck!

Hello, I’m Mary, completely new to beekeeping. I live in Georgia, USA. One of my daughters found the flow hive video and showed it to me and I think it’s wonderful. This is my first post and I hope to learn much from everyone.

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Welcome Mary! Since you are in Georgia I know you are surrounded by beekeepers. Be sure to check out the catagory “Connect with Locals” as they are a big help too.

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My name is Yusuf and I am brand new in bee keeping,but I love honey so why not learn how to
keep them. I am presently in Chicago and anxious to learn…(smile).

Hi I’m Mick from Adelaide (Onkaparinga area), South Australia.
Never owned my own hives, but have been in a few as a younger man back in the day in Brisbane when a friend kept bees on his block. I’m keen on drones, not just the bee type! My dream is to follow my bees with my quad-coptor drones and film their journey from the hive to the flowers and back. Thanks to a kind neighbour and friend of mine I’m aiming to get a swam or two into some brood boxes this spring, and then transfer them to the FlowHives when they arrive later in the year. I work a job that often sends me off in search of swarms in public places Spring/Summer, so finding them won’t be hard! Down the track I’d like to brew up some mead and later in life transition into some larger apiaries for a living (lifestyle, not the $$). Thanks to Stu and Cedar for making collecting honey so much easier! Love your work guys! And thanks to the great community that is growing here!

@tbro the Fat Beeman is fun to watch on YouTube!

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Hi Michelle

Why don’t you come to an ABA Bee Club meeting which is held at James Ruse High School Carlingford (see details on web link). Introduce yourself to me (Treasurer) and we can talk about a visit to our apairy at home as well.

John Douglas

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Hi Michelle, there is a Bee Field Day this Sunday 17 May at Mt Kuringai put on by the North Shore Beekeepers Association. Its free to attend and you can ask all the questions you like. Details are attached in the link below. There is no obligation, and you should visit all the beekeeping clubs close to you and find the one you are most comfortable with. Cheers Rod.

good morning! I am in Vermont, and I have played with bees for about three years now! VERY EXCITED to try the flow hive!!!

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Hello from Wisconsin! I am completely thrilled and excited to be joining the world of beekeeping. I have a great respect and fascination with honeybees and have thought about beekeeping for years. The process of extracting the honey was the show stopper for various reasons. But when I happened to overlook a YouTube video that popped up on a phone held by someone sitting next to me, I had to ask to see it. There it was, the invention that is going to change my life! I ordered a complete kit, suit and all, and have been consumed with reading and researching all I can to learn how I can do justice to supporting a hive of bees and reap the delicious benefits. This season will be for preparing, finding a mentor, and plan for my own bees by next spring. I have just moved into a suburb after leaving a rural setting. It is a culture shock and adds a bit more to incorporating bees into my life when have a neighborhood to consider. However, I also think it is the perfect time as I have less to manage and more time to enjoy the world of bees. Couldn’t be more excited and grateful for this father/son team and the ten years of perfecting this wonderful invention that will make it finally possible for me to keep bees. Thank you!!!

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Hi there, my name is Monika and I live in the Macedon Ranges in Victoria, Australia.
I am an absolute beginner in relationship to bee keeping.
But I feel the time is right to change this. I Have just ordered a Flow and hope that by the time it arrives my knowledge will have improved a lot.
So a lot of my questions arising might sound very primitive for some of you. But I hope someone will take the time to answer them.
I am very excited to start caring for bees. Without them we couldnt survive on this planet.

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