Anyone know what this is?

A friend of mine called about bee removal, and when I got there I found these. They aren’t any kind of bee I’ve seen, and I’m pretty dang certain from looking at them that they are NOT a bee, but there is a LOT I do not know. They seem to be living under the ground and emerging through cracks in the concrete, and they don’t seem to chase or bother with humans or other honey bees or wasps (saw several while looking at these).

Any thoughts on what these could be?

P.S. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but after looking through hundreds of bug pictures I am having bad luck finding it.


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We have quiet a few species of bees in Australia that live underground so looking at it I suspect you have them there also. But as to which of them it is I’m blank.
If you don’t get an answer here maybe a natural history museum or the Smithsonian could identify from your excellent pics.


It’s a Wasp, possibly Sphecius Speciosus but I’m not an expert:


This is one of the things that did come up in my research, but I just wasn’t sold. Everything screamed “wasp” but the behavior and exact looks have thrown me off.

I just did some more research on them and I think everything about that matches the timeline I was told. No matter what, wasps…so killing is a great solution.

Anyone else comes across this and has any input please feel free to add to it!

I’ve done a bit of research also and was unable to find it. Although it looks wasp like it also has bee features.
If you don’t mind I’d like to copy the pic and post elsewhere for an answer?
Either way wasp or bee I wouldn’t be killing it, generally both have positive roles in the ecosystem equally important. There are of course exceptions.

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Ok so this is what I’m told.
Cuckoo bee.

Beautiful looking bee it is.

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Did you ask Kit Prendergast?

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Hiya Stevo, no not Kit, nor Faye, another Bee source :wink:
I’ve always had a passion for bird life and since keeping bees insects are now growing on me. So many out there I’ve seen but only now looking at them.


That has to be it 100%. Everything matches perfectly from the marks on the back, to the size of the legs, the reason for the lack of hair, etc.

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You already asked someone, but of course you could share the pictures :slight_smile:

Also the only issues with these Cuckoo bee’s is that they setup home under some concrete with cracks outside the front door (I mean you step out of the front door) of this home. They have been using the side door to go in and out for a while now. Still these seem to not bother humans, but I heard today they seemed to be fighting each other.

I love an ID challenge.

I think it is actually a Triepeolus remigatus - Squash Longhorn-Cuckoo Bee

According to BugGuide, Black area is said to look like an anchor – unique feature .

If you are a critter nerd like me you can also submit photo to the above website for further identification.


That’s great to know!