Bear Problems Already!

I installed 3 NUCs last week, and after only 8 days got raided by a bear. He devastated one hive, and did some superficial damage to another one. Looks like the long hive was too heavy for him to budge; an unexpected benefit.

Electric fencing was on my summer to do list; I thought I’d get at least a couple months, not 8 days! That forced me to take the afternoon off and get the fencing up ASAP.

Hopefully there are enough bees left, and with a new queen coming on Friday they will be able to reestablish themselves before winter.

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ah man!! Sorry to hear this. Good job on getting that fence up quickly though. Sometimes it takes negative motivation to get us in gear. At least I know it does for me. I hope all goes well with the re-queening

Update on the bear damaged hive; it is finally queenright, but it has taken a long time.

After installing the new queen a week after the bear killed the original one, I checked after 3 days to see if she had been released and she hadn’t so I manually released her. A bit more than a week later I find some larvae and a capped supercedure cell but can’t spot the queen. I left the cell in case the queen didn’t take, only to find 2 weeks later no queen, no eggs and no larvae again!

At this point I had purchased 2 complete double deep hives, so I started moving in a frame of brood, eggs, larvae each week for a couple of weeks, until one weekend about 3 weeks ago I opened one of the double deeps to find capped swarm cells. I took one of these frames and added to the bear damaged hive as they still hadn’t raised their own, and this weekend was pleasantly surprised to come across a huge golden queen that has completely filled every last empty cell with eggs and larvae! She is a gorgeous color, and dwarfs all my other queens, tremendously easy to spot. Next weekend I’ll try and get a picture to update this thread with.


Here is the fat new queen raised from swarm cells.


Nice Simon. That flash of brighter orange/yellow off her abdomen as she turns at the start it great.