Has anyone had honey this black before? (the brown honey is to compare from another local beekeeper) and would they know what local plants might me the reason, I live in the Northern Rivers NSW
I’ve seen callistemon (bottlebrush) honey that looked like tar.
Buckwheat, chestnut, tulip poplar and knotweed honey can all be very dark.
If you have red flowering paper barks in your area it is a possible. Whatever the bees foraged on it must be in abundance there so I would be looking in the bush rather than crops or suburbia…
might be onto something there were do have a few paperbark trees
Wow that looks like molasses. I love the dark honeys and wouldn’t mind giving this a try! Are you selling this at any of the local farmers markets?
The lemon flowering paper bark is a light color honey but up here the red flowering paper bark flowers at a different time and it’s honey is bitumen black and nice taste to it.
Could be Bloodwoods, it produces an extremely dark honey. I think you need to make up a floral calendar .
More importantly, how does it taste? Looks yummmmmmm
You sure they have not raided a licorice factory?
Nope will never be that organised!
Taste is good, cant really taste anything distinctive so it’s hard to describe
Ahh that’s a shame! Though more for you to enjoy
Have you seen this already? The honey flavour and aroma chart on page 4 is the bit that might be of interest…
Thanks Ill take a look