I have a new Cedar flow Hive and I also have a 10 frame Langstroth Hive, What I want to do is use the the 10 frame Langstroth brood box to house the Nuc I’m receiving next week I want to also use second 10 frame box on top of my brood box to sit my feeder, my feeder is the European style that only sits in a 10 frame.
I want to know if the flow Hive Super is ok to on top
I was going to add two side plates to the Flow super to fill the small gap.
If you mean on top of the 10-frame box, that should work just fine. I know that @Michael_Bush has done exactly this kind of thing to adapt a 10-frame box to accept an 8-frame Langstroth box on top. There is even a photo on his web site.
HI - I think I have the same question, but I am so new that I don’t yet have one piece of equipment. My plan is to buy a beginner hive from BetterBee, it comes with two brood boxes and a medium super. I hope to successfully bring the hive through this summer and the winter and then next spring, if I have been successful, I will buy a Flow Hive to replace the medium super. I do not want to do any alterations at all. Do I understand correctly that if I have the 8 frame Langstroth then I can buy the Flow Hive Super and put it right on top of the boxes, no alterations necessary? If I buy the 10 frame Langstroth, then I will have to alter as in the picture above? Thank you very much for your assistance.
Not at all. Flow makes 2 sizes of Flow super. One fits an 8-frame Langstroth and the other fits a 10-frame Langstroth hive:
Copied from the Shop page: FLOW SUPER CLASSIC DETAILS **The Classic options come with a full Super of Flow Frames, for easy harvesting with minimal disturbance to the bees. **
The Classic options are:
6 x Flow Frames fits a 8 frame sized Langstroth box 7 x Flow Frames fits a 10 frame sized Langstroth box
Just buy the size you need to fit the hive you already have.
Guys many thanks for this. I have just got my bees in a langsthroth hive and did not realise there was a difference in size the solution u have shown helped.