Canadian Flow keepers

Hi Bee People. Any one from the Saskatoon area?

Hi! I’m in Fergus, Ontario. My sister and I have had Bees for about 5 weeks now. One 8 frame flew and one 8 frame pine langs. This wet child summer has us worried, so if anyone is in the area, we would love to chat!
How are events else’s bees doing this year?

Beer and bees are my favorite pass times!

Hello Canadian Flow enthusiasts,
I’m hoping to compare notes and strategies with other FLOW users who have similar climate challenges.

We Live in Seattle, so are urban beekeepers. We have the hybrid FLOW on one of our hives. We have harvested lovely cutcomb deeps from the Flow, and though we’ve seen lots of action preparing, harvested less than one jar of honey. Photos here:

I have just gotten active on the Flow Forum, hoping to compare notes, but no one seems to be posting much from the northern climes. Have you had success with your Flow frames? We’re wondering if having a full Flow box, rather than a hybrid, would make a difference. Has anyone compared?

Thank you for any news, strategies, or information you can share.


Hey there,
Fellow Edmontonian here. How did the flow give work for you in the city?
I’m curious if it worked well in our climate.
Please let me know if you get the chance.