Carnivorous plant against asian hornet

Hi guys,

I came across this article on the French news. They discovered a species of carnivorous plant, the Sarracenia plant, which seems to be an effective trap for asian hornets.

Thought the community would be interested to follow this!


That is cool, We had a bit of a collection of carnivorous plants when we were kids. It will be interesting to see how they go at reducing the numbers of asian hornets.

If you read the article it basically says what the guy says in French - he goes a bit quick but I understood what he said

I also have a collection of Carnivorous plants but I am facing an issue. I grow succulents and cacti recreationally. But not too long ago, I adopted three carnivorous plants. Two Venus’ Flytraps (VTFs) and one that was labeled as Nepenthes ventricosa.

As I mentioned before, I usually grow succulents and cacti. So my question is, can carnivorous plants get sunburned?

While succulents and cacti are my go-to, I have grown plants that need to be hardened off (members of the nightshade family come to mind (tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants)). Are carnivorous plants the same in that respect? Do I have to shelter them somehow from the sun or the elements?