Concrete slab for 7 frame FlowHive 2+

Does anyone know what the minimum size a concrete slab would need to be to hold a FlowHive 2+ (7-frame) ie the distance between the outside of the ant guards L x B. ??

I have used 600mm x 600 mm pavers/slabs

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That’s nice. Do you happen to know the distance from outside edge of antguards? Ie the minimum size a concrete pad would need to be?

Hi Matt, I know that a 7 frame Flow hive sits nicely on a 10 frame migratory roof which is 510mm x 405mm. Therefore if you’re looking for a minimum size, those dimensions may help.


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Thank you so much for that! Very nice to be able to work with some good measurements! It would seem then that the legs mustn’t really splay out much. I thought they might a bit more.

You’re welcome Matt, I think they come straight down on the corners. If I was making a slab, I think I’d make it a bit bigger, that’s just me.

Have you got your hive yet?