Realised my flow frames were starting to fill up yesterday. Went to lift up the top box but wasn’t getting anywhere, pretty heavy. So i decided to do my first extraction on one of the frames. Towards the end of this i noticed that a few of the other frames were pooling a small bit of honey in their tubes below the frames.
In two of them i noticed these crystal like structures. Like grains of salt in a way, littered withing the pooling honey.
I think by attempting to crack off the top box i may have dislodged some of the cappings in the flow frames and cause them to leak a bit. But i’m not sure what these white things are. Whether they are pieces of wax, crystallized honey, or my worst fear being, hive beetle eggs.
I know that i do have hive beetles. As on my bottom board that day i found 1 or 2 larvae crawling around. But they haven’t been seen as much of a problem as of yet.
If anyone would have any insight onto what the salt looking things are, it would be much appreciated.