Darwin, NT: Supplier of Nucs?

Looking for a supplier of calm bees for Darwin residential use. All suggestions will be looked into.
Thanks in advance,

Hi Ricky, see the contact details below, Vicki should be able to give you some names for beekeepers and bees in NT.

Northern Territory Bee Keepers’ Association (NTBKA)
The NTBKA is a small non-profit organisation that represents the interests of beekeepers in the Northern Territory. New members are welcome and enquiries can be directed to Vicki Simlesa, Secretary/Treasurer on phone (08) 8999 2036. The NTKBA has produced a code of ethics for bee keeping, which is available from the association.
Vicki Simlesa - Apiary Officer
Animal Biosecurity Branch, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (DPIF)
Ph: 08 8999 2036 Fax: 08 8999 2146 Mobile: 0401 115 853
E-mail: vicki.simlesa@nt.gov.au

Cheers Rodderick,
I’ll do that when I get back to Oz

How did you go getting bees?

I have a customer who has emailed me and they are not able to find anyone in NT selling bees.

I’m curious to know if you were successful, and can maybe share their details :slight_smile:

Thanks :honeybee: Faroe

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Hi Faroe
I just got a nuc in Darwin about a month ago.
I got it from NT lumberjacks, you can google them

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Thanks for that :slight_smile:

They don’t advertise the bees for sale, just their swarm traps from what I can see, but good to know:

Yes they don’t advertise.
I purchased two flow hives for myself for Xmas and had the same problem, couldn’t find any bees. I tried the two local honey producers and also the local beekeeping association but they don’t like to part with their bees.
It was by chance that I saw the ad for swarm collection so emailed and asked if I could get a swarm next time they caught one.
Fortunately he had nucs available so I was able to buy two. :grinning:

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Awesome :slight_smile: :honeybee:

I am looking for someone in Darwin or rural area who has a flow hive - I am thinking of buying one but one to chat to a local first. @Scotts

Hi Shirley
Happy for you to come have a look and a chat :grinning:

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Hi Scott, I am considering a career change due to covid and wondering if I could ask you about how the flow hive has been going for your beekeeping.