Hi all
Totally new to Bee Keeping and have my Flow Hive 2 setup ready to go
I live in the Ferny Hills Area and was wondering where can I buy a Nuc Locally
and maybe connect with locals for some advise
Hi all
Totally new to Bee Keeping and have my Flow Hive 2 setup ready to go
I live in the Ferny Hills Area and was wondering where can I buy a Nuc Locally
and maybe connect with locals for some advise
Hi Paul I don’t have a nuc atm but I recommend contacting @JeffH to see if he can sell you one, He is on sunshine coast but really easy to move them and he is a wealth of knowledge.
We are on southside so a bit away from you but happy to show you stuff if you are prepared to drive over on a weekend.
Ask away on this forum and you will get lots of responses from experienced bee keepers all over the world.
Good luck
Thanks for the recommendation Gaz. I do have some nucs available at the moment if Paul can’t find anything closer.
Thanks Gaz
For the assistant your offering but will try to contact @JeffH as you recommended for a nuc and much needed knowledge
Thanks again
Thanks Jeff am very interested in purchasing one of your nuc will contact you asap just awaiting my bee suite that is apparently arriving today and will contact as soon as every thing ready
Regards Paul
No worries Paul, take your time. They’re forecasting 70-80% chances of rain for the next week. If you want, we can wait til that’s over.
That’s where experience comes in will take your advise if forecast is correct
Jeff is a wealth of experience and his bees are so very calm, and good foragers, they are the Italian strain. Not only do you get a very strong nuc you get a wealth of information from him. A real gentleman.
Cheers Paul
Hi Paul & thanks @Peter48, the weather’s not as bad as I first thought, at least for a few days. I brought a colony home for you this afternoon if you want to do something in the next couple of days. cheers
Hi Jeff thanks for that would be great in next couple of days was hoping my smoker would arrive today and did not but maybe Monday unless there is somewhere in area I can purchase one off the shelf or else have to keep fingers crossed that arrives Monday .
Will keep u posted
Hi Paul, it wont be necessary to have a smoker for a few days after you get the bees home & in position, cheers
Hi Paul I find Quality beekeeping supplies at Sumner Park great for most equipment and they open Sat mornings as well. Bit of a hike for you though.
2 weeks in with bees acquired from JeffH
Came home with a lot more confidence with all of Jeff advise.
Did first inspection yesterday still not knowing what I am looking for but there where a lot of bees and every thing looked happy and they where so calm .
Just a query this pic taken this afternoon around 5.30 PM what are they upto ?
It was a very warm day again and bees a drinking a lot of water from our water fountains.
Hi Paul, on hot days you’ll often find your bees clustering on the front of the hive. The bigger the population, the more they’ll do that. Often you will also see them fanning their wings to ventilate the hive. If you google ‘bearding’ you will find a lot of information and images of bearding hives. Nothing to worry about unless it is extreme and the size of the colony is indicating it needs more space in the form of a honey super, or some manipulation of frames ie introduction of empty frames into the brood box. This depends on the season also. You will learn more about this as you read, participate in the forum and get more experience in beekeeping. Your bees look perfectly happy.
@cathiemac has given you a good estimation of your photo and what you see in very normal for this time of year, as the brood expands in numbers you will see many more bees out side the hive. Doing that helps the bees to lower the heat in the cluster in out hot weather at this time of year.
@JeffH produces very calm bees and being of the Italian strain they are very good honey producers, but not at the pace that some new bee keepers expect. Don’t add the Super till the brood box is bursting at the seams with bees. Only run a single brood box for your climate, there is more negatives to a double brood box than positives for your climate.
Sit back, relax and observe your bees. Do your inspections and as Jeff would have warned you, watch out for SHB(Small Hive Beetle)
Welcome to the forum Paul, you will find lots of advice here that is based of sound facts.
I will have to stop worrying and enjoy the little critters and will take in your advise and knowledge as you explained so clearly now back to learning more about them
Thanks for advise will follow and at this stage the Hive is a very calm lot.
When did first inspection didn’t see SHB but have had a couple in the Tray filled with oil on occasions Just on that there are some times like rectangle black pieces which I assume where SHB after the bees finished with them ?.
Hi Peter, just to clarify, not all of my bees end up being calm. I have one hive at the moment that needs the queen replacing.
I went to rob some honey this morning. The honey flow has slowed down over the past two weeks. Not much honey to extract this time. A colony that recently swarmed finished up with a laying worker. The bees were flat out keeping the beetles at bay. You can see lots of places where beetles chewed comb out only to have the bees overwhelm them. It was only a matter of time before the beetles would have taken over. It was lucky I got into the brood when I did. That kept me busy for a little while.
I’m over this heat & humidity, cheers
I know what you are asking about, I eliminated most of the possibles and also came up with SHB that are encased in propolis by the bees. SHB will run for cover when you lift the hive lid to hide, so only see the older and slower beetles… YouTube has some good clips but you need to take climate into account.
@JeffH I have had a drop off of honey being stored for a while now, also noticed a lot of pollen. 34C and 96% humidity yesterday at the apiary, it was a long hard day at the office. BOM forecast for next week in a steady 25C max, so we can only hope.
Hi Peter, that light at the end of the tunnel is getting a little brighter now. I might feel like working during the day next week. I have a stack of hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) from a large wall unit someone gave me last year. I also have a lot of unserviceable bee boxes that need repairing. Next week will be a good time to start on that.
PS. we’re back to 30 next Wed. & Thur.