Does the Flow Hive filter the honey?

Hi all,

Discovered your system after someone posted a link on Facebook. Looks interesting. One question though. I didn’t really see much flotsam that’s normally removed from the honey. Is there some type of a rough filter in the Flow Hive which removes that stuff before it gets to the spout?

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No filter. But not much breaks loose as the cappings generally stay intact and all the bits of wax that were added stay attached. Even when you uncap and filter there are still bits of wax that get through.

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Because of the way the Flow “Steals” honey from between/back of the frames, only the smallest amounts of pollen and detritus (Wax, Bee parts, Propolis) will flow out with the Honey. There is minimal if any filtering required - depending on the area you live and the rules of honey sales.

In the UK we have to have honey for sale filtered down to 2mm - Some people like to have the pollen in the honey for flavour, you need to decide how you wish to distribute your honey and if you are selling then you need to see what is required where you live

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Thanks Valli. It’d all be for home usage here, so that wouldn’t be a requirement for me.

So Detritus was the word I was looking for? I knew there was something. But, flotsam (stuff floating in the bay/ocean) is all I could come up with. :smile:

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Not in any of the honey I’ve ever seen sold around the Bay Area. But, I haven’t visited any honey farms neither. (Ironically, there’s one called Marshall Farms just north of me, though it’s no relation)

I’ve never heard you have to filter down to 2mm at all

Sorry My mistake

“The honey should be free from mould, insects, insect debris,
brood and any other organic or inorganic substance foreign
to the composition of honey.
Take care to minimise the introduction of foreign materials
into the extraction room.The honey must be filtered to
remove any foreign materials.The recommended mesh size
is 0.2 mm which will ensure that some pollen remains.”

I recently was told by a very notable source - Celia Davis - That honey cannot be sold if the comb previously had brood in it

That’s wrong too.
Lots of us have used a shallow to accommodate brood which is then used as a honey super. What you can’t do is sell honey with brood in it.


There isn’t any reasonable way to enforce this.

@dangerous That came from a “reliable source” Celia Davis has written several books on bee keeping

The Honey Bee Inside Out Paperback – 1 May 2004
The Honey Bee Around and About Paperback – 21 Apr 2007

  • our Apiary is named after her.

She is running the bee course I’m on in January

Perhaps I will get her to clarify- Thanks

Well, keep us posted Valli!

; -)

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Many things are written in books and just because they are in print does not make them accurate.
Modern tangential extractors in fact accommodate deep frames not just shallows.

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Hi there…honey can certainly be sold if it is extracted from comb that previously had brood in it. Frames are rotated all the time in the hive. The bees clean the cells very well so the honey is food safe. The comb is much stronger once it has had brood in it so it is easier to spin in the extractor without blowouts. Generally, honey is extracted from comb in the supers…mostly these have not had brood in them. In the Rose hive method…where no queen excluder is used…comb has often had brood in it prior to the bees storing honey. Nectar is moved around the hive by the bees during the curing process…so it may have been anywhere.
The one thing you can’t do is extract the honey from brood frames that contain brood at the time…using an extractor. Also you can’t sell cut comb which has had brood in it…cos it would be very chewy!

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Thanks guys I will reiterate the question on Wednesday for clarification - we are having an evening about showing in September which I hope to go to - unfortunately I think I’m working - may have to slip out for an hour or so.

I may just have enough for 2 jars of honey to show or some cut comb. It would be fun as a NewBee and before I get my Flows.

The other thing is the jars - where can I buy only 12 jars from in UK with “Gold” lids?? I may have to borrow a couple if I can’t buy a small quantity and a case for the cut comb.

Had a peak yesterday - loads of honey being made and capped - very surprised

I was at the Royal Welsh Show yesterday and was quite surprised to see the low standard of some of the exhibits, particularly comb and frame, I’m tempted to have a go myself next year


Just to add my 2 bobs worth to the discussion, honey can most definitely be sold from comb that previously had brood in it. A way to get rid of old brood frames is to place them above the queen excluder, let the brood hatch, the bees will fill them with honey, cap them ready for us to extract the honey. After that we can put them in a weak hive for the bees to clean all the residue honey off, ready for us to prepare for fresh foundation. ps. good luck with the show next year danger.

We do the same Jeff. It’s a good way to rotate the frames out. In a long hive it’s even easier…you just shift them along the rail…the bees emerge and then back fill with honey. You can either leave them for the bees to have over winter or extract and remove.

That’s my winter learning…doing some microscopy, learning about hive products for showing. I am going to put some of my honey in our local Assn Honey Show. I also want to make a block of wax for showing. Last year I was 3rd with my honey cake.

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If my girls continue to make such good progress I may have something for our show this year as well!!