Love the ROI calculation!
I also put an ideal foundationless on, coz they started building plenty comb in the attic. Now I have less bees Washboarding outside, no more comb in the attic and the flow frames still get filled, as well as a lot of honey comb building is happening in the ideal.
Having a hive full at max is prob a good thing at this time. Thing is to know when all this changes.
Nice to hear of your harvest- I robbed 4 frames over a month - and now 3 weeks later they are all 90% full again
Ok second harvest but what the hey, technically it’s my sons first.
<imgsrc="//" width=“690” height=“388”>I did inspections and the bees had built comb in the migratory lid so I scraped it out and now have comb honey for our friends.
So even though the end cells weren’t capped they were making more room for stores… Above the vinyl mat…
So we harvested the other two Flow frames in the BW hive. 6.5 kgs totalling 9.4kgs all up. Happy days. Except…
The centre frames bottom chamber, harvested last week, filled with honey… Guessing burr comb. We didn’t remove the frames for inspection.
We also harvested the pot hive, 8 kgs.
So all up, 6 Ff 17.3kgs plus a couple of kilos of burr comb from the roof. So for arguments sake I’m calling it 17kgs. Or $255.
Really happy with the results, thanks Flow.
So only $2745 or 183kgs to go to break even… Provided I don’t buy more Flow frames for the other two hives…
My original 6 frame Flow hive is with the Gf colony which is out the front is now fully worked but has no honey possibly because I added a WSP box above a qx as per @RBK 's advice but that’s cool should go well next year and should do well in winter.
As there are more eucalypts about to flower, who knows there may even be another crop!
Thank you for everyone’s help this summer, you guys, my mentors ROCK.
Looks like a great haul, but a little confused by the WSP boxes being on the bottom?
No mate, that’s my other experiment, adding brood space in the ones out back due to the ‘25%’ less than 10 frame. @Dawn_SD and @RBK, or you, have pointed me in this direction indirectly…
The one out the front,
And the latest wax machine swarm pool side,
Are the other experiment, also your recommendation, I’m all ears.
I also have the single brood box as per @JeffH’s advice.
Oh yeah I’m hedging bets alright.
Oh yeah, a 12yo harvesting in shorts, singlet and thongs, try that conventionally.
More impressed you got a 12 year old off the Xbox for long enough to harvest!
I replaced 7 boxes of stickies this morning. They yielded 160 kilos, there was no way I could have done the robbing & returning the empty frames part of the job in shorts, singlet & thongs. However I did the extracting of the honey in shorts, t/shirt & thongs.
Lots of folks are finding that they need to inspect the flow frames before harvesting the honey. It’s best not to attempt that in shorts, singlet & thongs.